Easy Way To Start Your Backswing Coil
Here is an easy way to start your backswing coil. From here you keep coiling and set the top of the backswing. So many people I see take the club back with their hands and arms. This gets the club…

A Great Takeaway Drill (This Fixed My Takeaway)
Here is a great takeaway drill you can be doing to fix your takeaway. Many years ago I would pull the club to the inside on the takeaway. This is because I am right handed and this stronger hand kept…

Be Careful With The Takeaway
The takeaway is the start of the golf swing. This tip explains you need to be carful with the takeaway. I say this because as people come for lessons as well at me watching people hit golf balls at the…

How Fast Should You Swing?
So many golfers keep trying to hit the ball as hard as they can yet they are still inconsistent. Wouldn’t it be great if you knew how fast you should swing? This tip shows you what too look for to…

Feel The Golf Swing (Throw Golf Balls)
In this tip, I show you a way to feel the golf swing. It’s simple. Just throw some golf balls but instead of throwing them as you normally do, throw them wrong then throw them right. So the point of…

Stop Rushing Your Downswing
In this tip, I want you to stop rushing your downswing. So many people I see swing so fast they literally have no time to even use their body to hit the ball. I say this because your arms move…

Fix Your Chicken Wing In Minutes With This Drill
In this tip, I show you a simple drill that will fix your chicken wing in minutes. So many people do a chicken wing yet so few every fix it. A chicken wing occurs when you try to hit the…

Simple Way To Stop Topping The Golf Ball
In this tip, I show you a simple way to stop topping the golf ball. Topping is one of the most common swing flaws in golf. We have all hit these shots before. Typically, these topped shots are caused from…

How To Check Your Grip Pressure (Key To Solid Shots)
In this tip I show you how to check your grip pressure on the club. This is vital. I have numerous tips now on this but I know people are still way too loose. I though of this way to…

How To Do Drills (Faster Way To Learn The Golf Swing)
In this tip I am explaining how to do drills so you can learn the golf swing faster. You would think that explaining this wouldn’t be necessary. Unfortunately, most people who come to me for lessons just keep hitting ball…