The great majority of students I teach are senior golfers. I want to see a long and loose swing for seniors. I say this because I regularly see seniors with this short and fast golf swing. This type of swing will never work.
I say it will never work because when I demonstrate this short and fast swing I don’t hit the ball as far plus my body hurts when I hit a golf ball that way. If I can get a long and loose swing for seniors they can have more time to generate clubhead speed. This means they don’t have to swing fast to get a lot of power in increase their distance.
Keep in mind that as we get older we get weaker. So if you are doing a short and fast swing this will only get worse. So if you are a senior golfer start thinking long and loose as you swing your club. If so you will have a powerful, effortless, pain-free golf swing for life.
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Here's a great tip for senior golfers. So you
know that is kind of who I typically teach. I teach people that are probably, you know, 60
and above. I do teach some younger people but My kind of wheelhouse is senior
golfers. So I have literally seen it all And what typically happens is, as you get older, You start getting weaker, so what do you do to
hit a golf ball? Well, you start swinging harder And I know that feels good. That feels like you've
got to get some kind of power to hit the shot So you're going to try and hit it harder. There
you're looking in the wrong area. You're kind of Doing it wrong so when you go to hit hard, you
tighten up, and the tighter the golf club is, or The tighter your wrists are, the slower your club
is going to move, the more you're going to do a Chicken wing. You'll just kind of be hitting
it off … you're probably off your back foot And that just will never work. So that is the
wrong thought. We are not hitting anything. If I can stand here like this and do nothing and hit
a pretty good shot probably I don't know 240-250 With just using the looseness then maybe
there's a different way to do it and That's the way you want to kind of learn.
So what I would refer to that as is more of A swing that is long and loose instead
of short and fast. Short and fast That's going to be you locked up. Anytime I
demonstrate a swing that is short back here, I have to swing 100 percent and after literally
about 2 balls my body is just killing me. That's why I'm saying the short is fine for young
players. They're young enough. You know I don't Like it too short but you know they can get away
with a shorter swing. They're putting a lot of Energy into it and they can get it but as you get
older, I'm telling you, that short swing is never Going to work and it's only going to get worse
because we're not going to get any stronger as We get older. We're only going to get weaker but
on the flip side of that you've seen little kids Hit long shots. Well, they're not
strong but a little kid, you know, I'm talking 6 or 8 years old, they're not going
to do a little tiny swing. They're gonna go Like this because the club's heavy they're gonna
drag it back. Here we go. Now at this moment they Use their legs and hips to hit the ball. So
the little kid would be doing long and loose, Long back swing, loose not short and
fast. So that's how I want you to think. We've got a swing that is going to be long
and loose. So how are you going to lengthen Your swing? I am telling you this is senior
golfer after senior golfer that I see is short And fast so this is a huge problem. So
we got to lengthen our backswing somehow. Well, what I like people to do is
overdo the length of the backswing Knowing you're not going to do it that long
in reality. So an easy one would be watch for The club head out of the corner of this forward
eye right here. So watch … if I go like this, I'm looking for that club see that clubhead.
Right there I there it is right there. See
Right there … got it. In reality, you're not
going to swing that long but that would be a great Way to know you're doing a longer backswing. So
you're starting to go longer so you can loosen it Up and then longer gives you more time to generate
the club head speed for when we hit the ball. You go like this. Obviously you're
not going to see that club head … It's up there … too short. Okay long and
loose for senior golfers. So here, long, Long I see it. I see it. Maybe you do
that 3 times then you try to copy it When you hit your shot. Okay I
didn't see the club head on that one So that wasn't quite as long so that's just a very
simple way to be constantly working on lengthening Your swing you do that at the range. You could do
that at home in practice swings. Just sit there And go "hey you know what?" "This little swing I'm
doing here it's not really working to the best of My ability." "I know I can hit it a lot longer
so I'm actually going to try this longer thing." "Long and loose." "So I'm going to go oh like
that just sit around the house and start getting Used to it." You can even watch yourself in a
mirror. If it's a little past parallel who cares? I'm telling you, you will not go super long
in reality. People always go less. So you Practice a little longer by seeing it out of the
corner of your eye then you step up and just try To copy that feeling when you hit the ball. So
try to start doing that and start to loosen up. Haven't you ever hit a shot that felt like nothing
and went a mile? Yeah that's loose. You had to Have been loose because you felt effortless.
So that's the swing we want. You know someone That you could be watching too maybe in videos
Bobby Jones. He's the perfect example of long And loose. You know, that's the swing he had and
he was phenomenal so why don't we start doing That instead of this young person's swing. It's
going to take every ounce of energy you've got. Okay just do it a different way and then in
no time you'll be getting long straight shots With an effortless feeling. I truly hope you've
enjoyed this tip. Here's another tip that's going To help you improve your swing. Now right below
that, don't forget to click on that link because I'm going to send you some free samples of my
body swing book and video series that'll take You step by step by step through how to build
a powerful effortless pain-free golf swing.