Golf Tip: How to Use a Putter for Chipping by Beverly Fergusson – National University Golf Academy

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Titleist Performance Institute certified golf fitness instructor, Beverly Fergusson explains why and demonstrates how to use a putter for chipping. To discuss this golf tip with other golfers and share your own leave a comment below. We look forward to your feedback.


When considering a chip shot and what club you’re going to use the first thing you’re going to ask yourself is, “Can I use my putter to chip with?” If there’s an obstacle in front you may say, “No I have to use a more lofted club.” But in this case, right here, I have a clean, smooth running surface that I can send the ball over using my putter.

Let me demonstrate for you how to set up for your chipping with a putter. It’s a small swing so I’m going to bring my feet close together and I’m going to turn my toes towards the front of the ball, as in any chip shot stance. I’m going to place my putter behind the ball and I’m going to lean the shaft slightly forward. My weight will be left and now I’m ready to just make a putting stroke.

You always want to accelerate in front of the ball. Smooth back swing, accelerate forward. Try this shot and I promise you your chipping will improve.


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See also  Chipping Ratios - How to Dial In Your Chipping

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