Ben Hogan Vs Mac O’Grady | GOLF SWING MASTERS

Two legendary golfers, Ben Hogan and Mac O’Grady still have much to teach me and my golf students in terms of athletic motion and sheer perseverance towards becoming a top speed golf pro.

Despite being of a bygone era of golf, Ben Hogan remains one of the most widely praised ball strikers to ever play the sport.

Many top speed golf pros even regard Hogan as being a better ball striker than the modern legend Tiger Woods.

As Hogan’s ball striking still amazes modern players, most are still intrigued by his somewhat elusive life as few details exist outside of the golf course. Ben’s absolute dedication and seriousness towards golf remains the one aspect of his life that will never be up for debate. Unlike modern players, Hogan rarely even spoke to fellow competitors on the course, as he took the game as serious as anyone could ever imagine.

For golf historians trying to decipher Ben Hogan’s golf swing, the fact that Hogan spoke of understanding the secret to golf remains one elusive aspect of his life that speculators have yet to determine. Hogan has the record of a man who clearly knew the game insanely well so believing he knew the secret to the sport comes with little push back from critics.

Many with tour experience regard Mac O’Grady as being quite elusive himself, as how he was able to reach such heights in the game remains an obsessive question for many who follow the sport.

Mac O’Grady played on the PGA Tour throughout the 70s and 80s, even after a long pursuit through qualifying school ended up with more attempts than anyone else on record. Mac O’Grady’s golf swing eventually carried him to winning two tour events and a few other mysterious aspects that still puzzle many today. O’Grady experimented with playing right handed as a pro and left handed as an amateur. Mac also entered a team event as his own partner prior to focusing his efforts on the MORAD project, which still garners a cult like following to this day.

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Modern golfers can study the athletic motion and tour experience behind the golf swings of both Ben Hogan and Mac O’Grady as a means to measure up their own swings to these legendary players. While golfers of the modern PGA Tour can provide a great depth of insight into how to golf like a pro, players like Hogan and O’Grady are iconic for a reason and deserve all of the admiration they’ve garnered even after decades out of the forefront of professional golf.

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00:00 Ben Hogan Vs Mac O’Grady
00:57 How Your Grip Affects the Clubface
03:29 Ben Hogan Impact Position Drill
04:40 Applying Mac O’Grady’s Swing to Modern Golf
06:26 Fix Your Golf Swing NOW

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