Golf Club Natural Swing Path for Ball Compression with Ted Williams

4 Tenets of 100% Common Sense Approach to Golf Swing Technique and Teaching:

1) Understand that the golf club is a tool designed to strike/compress the golf ball in such a way that it flies to its target.

2) Learn that what the club “wants” to do is actually what we need it to do in order to strike and send the ball to its target.

3) Educate our hands to move in ways that naturally facilitate what the club “wants” to do.

4) Learn how our hand movements compel the body to move reactively to, and therefore in sync with, what the club naturally “wants” to do.

1. ‘Like’ my Youtube video [“Golf club natural swing path for ball compression…”]

2. Subscribe to my Youtube Channel.

3. ‘Like’ my Facebook page, “Golf Lessons With Ted”

Otherwise, lessons are $60.

Semi-private lessons $35/student.

I free-lance, teaching at various facilities year-round in Genesee, Lapeer and Oakland counties.

For conversation and questions, email or call/text me: / (810) 214-0075

Or message me through Facebook: “Golf Lessons With Ted”.

======Supplemental Videos========
The 2 video links (slow motion impact zone) referenced within my video follow:

1. “How the ball flies.” CLICK the link / NOT the video thumbnail

– Slow motion impact zone video below with narrated by Peter Croker, PGA-Australia (my mentor).
– It is very important to understand the desired by-design interaction between the club face and the ball.
– The reverse-engineering of of this understanding leads us to the technique that leads to this interaction occurring, and sending the ball to our target.

See also  Fix Your Slice at Home, Indoor Golf Practice

2. “Henrik Stenson – Ultra Slow Motion – DTL & Face-On !!”
– Watch circa 30-second marker ESPECIALLY what happens where the club face strikes the ball.
– Note the toe of the face speeds past the club face’s heel.
– Peels off to the left – down-and-around – NOT outward and upward.

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