Chipping Consistency With A Simple Golf Tip: Chip and Roll To Get Near The Hole

Chipping Consistency With A Simple Golf Tip and Simple Short Game

The technique required (at least from what you are told) for chip shots can be a little complicated, when really all you need is a consistent strike and roll.

Chipping consistency comes from making the shot choice that gives you the best chance of getting close with minimal risk of the chipping yips and duffing.

Too many golfers try and play difficult lob wedges around the green when a simple chip and roll or bump and run will do the job much better.

Stop thinning chips
Simple short game
chipping consistency
how to play chip shots
bump and run chip

As long as you get consistency in your strikes you can practice the distance control.

Good distance control means more up and downs…

More up and downs means much better scores…

Better scores means a lower handicap…

Cutting your handicap in half means a big smile on your face (and perhaps a little smugness from me too)

If I were to play all your shots with the wedges I guarantee your score would be 5-10 shots better in one round alone with ease.

You see, even the best players in the world have slightly different techniques and tweaks to their short game shots from a 100 yards and in, but they all have sound basics, follow solid principles and then ingrain it with great drills like you can get from Be Deadly From 100 Yards and In.

So although the tips from Be Deadly from 100 Yards and In will indeed improve your technique, the purpose is to enable you to have more “purpose” in your practice resulting in more up and downs and lower scores!

See also  2017- Week 11- Winning Golf TV- Lesson Tip- Chipping with a Hybrid- Whitford C.C.

Sounds pretty good right? So come and join us in time efficient, fun practice to slash your handicap in half.

Learn more here.

Cut your handicap in half.

This is Golf. Simplified.

Your friend and coach

Alex Fortey

P.S The 30 short game tips, lessons and drills in Be Deadly From 100 because it epitomizes the evolution and reason why The Art of Simple Golf has been created, just visit



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