5 Best Ways to Grip Your Putter in Golf

Read the companion article:

Your putter grip – how you hold onto your putter – is a very important fundamental in golf. If you a good grip, one that you’re comfortable with and that matches your stroke, you’ll make more putts.

Gevin Allen, PGA Director of Instruction and Player Development at The Clubs of Cordillera Ranch (www.cordilleraranch.com) in Boerne, Texas, demonstrates five of the most common ways for golfers to grip the putter: the reverse overlap; crosshanded (aka left-hand low); the claw; the arm-lock grip; and the prayer grip.

Make sure you watch another video from Gevin demonstrating a very simple drill that will you choose the right putter grip for you: I

See also  How To Use Your Arms And Hands To Build A Better Golf Swing

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