Get Back Your Nerve In Golf

Has this happened to you? You are ready to compete in golf (or baseball), but suddenly you lose your nerve, choke, freeze, maybe break out in a cold sweat even thinking about competing. The bottom line is you just can’t do it – part of you wants to move forward and part of you has both feet on the brakes. Here is a great tip that can help you overcome what’s holding you back, get back your nerve and get back on track.

4 Things to Consider Before Buying Golf Clubs

Every year golf manufacturers come out with new improvements for their golf clubs. If you watch golf on TV you are inundated with those commercials. With all the advertisements and endorsements from professional golfers, it is impossible to know what the best golf clubs are for you. Some of us are swayed by our favorite golfer and other by the perceived best manufacturer. The selection of clubs and pricing is extensive and confusing too.

Backswing Power Test For Longer Drives

If you know what you should be doing in your golf backswing then you too can hit longer golf drives. Read this article to find out what you need to be doing to get the most power in your backswing and learn a quick and easy test to see if you are doing this correctly in your backswing.

Practice Drills for Your Golf Short Game

Sixty percent or more of your golf score occurs within 100 yards of the hole. That is why PGA teaching pros emphasize the important of the golf short game. Approximately half or more of your practice time should be dedicated to golf short game fundamentals including putting, chipping, bunker shots and pitching.

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One Great Exercise For Longer Golf Drives

If you want to swing better so you hit longer golf drives then read this article. You’ll learn one great golf drill that will help improve your golf swing to allow you to hit longer golf drives.

Stay Out Of The Hazards Using Sound Golf Swing Mechanics

Using sound golf swing mechanics will you help can keep you golf ball from landing in a hazard. Golf can be a frustrating game. Not having the skill to hit the ball in the landing zone you desire, often means it will land in a hazard.

The Dreaded 50 Yard Golf Shot

You’ve just laid up just in from of the green on a long par 5. You’ve just hit 2 perfect shots… but now you are in that dreaded no mans land that requires just the perfect touch to pull off an acceptable golf shot. So what do you do now?

Skycaddie SG4 Review

The Skycaddie SG4 is an awesome piece of kit and has many great features to help you make the right decisions on the course. It has a large back-lit, black and white LCD screen and can store 10 full courses at any one time.The Skycaddie SG4 gives you an overview of the hole including the essential distances to the front, centre and back of the green.

Lower Your Golf Score On A Windy Day Using Sound Golf Swing Mechanics

Golf is played outdoors and consequently the weather can have a big impact on your score. There are many weather factors that can impact your score, the wind is one of them. Using sound golf swing mechanics, you can lower your golf score when you have to deal with the wind. The wind can be used to your advantage. It can also be a disadvantage if you don’t know how to deal with it. When wind becomes a factor there are three directions it can come from, that could affect your score. These directions are cross-wind, down-wind and up-wind.

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The Proper Golfing Grip Is A Must for Maximum Distance

The golf player Ben Hogan always spoke of how he mastered the basics of a golf swing. He says it all started with mastering the golfing grip. You will find that, in the game of golf, the grip is unique among sports.

Improve Your Golf Backswing With These Easy Tips

Understanding your golf backswing can take on a significant role in determining how good you play the fantastic game of golf. It goes without saying that you will remain a high handicapper if you suffer from a wretched backswing. Most weekend hackers learn to alter their games to poor backswings and accept scores in the 90’s or above. These scores will fall impressively by simply improving your back swing. A proper golf swing plane can add accuracy and distance to your shots and have a massive result in the pleasure you have impressing your golf partners.

Golf Swing Power: What Your Legs Should Be Doing To Hit Longer Golf Drives

In this article on the golf swing you’ll discover what you should do with your leg’s so you can hit longer golf drives. Plus you’ll get some great golf drills to improve your leg action so you get more power in your golf swing.

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