Want To Hit It Longer? Learn A New Way To Swing

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Want More Clubhead Speeda nd hit it longer? I bet you do. Well, the other day I just happened to meet a junior golfer named Aiden who hit the ball a long way. He is only 13 years old and hits the ball 250.

So many golfers who come to the school for lessons have trouble producing over 90 mph clubhead speed and hitting the ball over 200 yards.

The whole point of the tip is to show you a 13 year old that is getting serous power. If he can do it, why can’t you? After all, he is not that strong.

The reason most golfers cannot hit the ball 250 is that they are just using brute force by whacking at the ball with their arms. The problem is, you are not physically strong enough to generate serious clubhead speed by just trying to hit the ball.

So if you are someone who cannot generate at least 90 or more mph clubhead speed and connot hit the ball around 250 you are swinging the wrong way. In order to generate more cluhead speed you need to use your body not your arms to hit the ball. Once you start getting your body moving you will finally start to hit the ball longer than you ever imagined.

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