Todd Graves Live Stream – Making Practice a Feedback Loop.

Did you know that practice doesn’t always make perfect?

Most people practice using a “trial and error” method where they use a guessing game approach making guesses as to why they are getting certain results. I don’t believe this is the best way to improve in the fastest way possible.

In this video, Todd Graves goes live in a broadcast to help the viewers learn to practice correctly using specifically designed training aids to create a “feedback loop”.

A feedback loop is created when the tools teach you without thinking – taking the guesswork out of practice. By doing this, you are able to practice swing motion with the assurance that your fundamentals are correct.

To find out more about Todd Graves, Graves Golf and all of the best training aids for the Single Plane Golf Swing go here:

Links for Graves Golf Training Aids:

Alignment and Ball Position Trainer (ABT) – Right Handed:

Alignment and Ball Position Trainer (ABT) – Left Handed:

Feeling of Greatness Training Club:

Promo Code: YOUTUBE20 for 20%

Single Plane Trainer:

Leverage Bag:

See also  Junior Golf Clubs Left Handed.mp4

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