THIS is Why You Struggle With Hybrids…

Many golfers carry hybrids in their bag, but lack the confidence to hit them when they are needed. This often comes from a lack of understanding of how to hit the club, and how to set-up to the ball. In this video, we break down the most common mistakes amateur golfers make with hybrids, and how to effectively fix them for better results and lower scores!

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Hey everybody thanks for tuning in on George Khan with scratch golf Edition Today we are going to be talking about The hybrid uh something that a lot of People have in the bags but they don't Necessarily like to play so we're going To talk about a few mistakes that are Often made with the hybrid and how we Can easily fix them so for the longest Time I was not much of a hybrid guy I Actually had no hybrids in my bag for The past five years but I recently Picked up this three hybrid and I've Really liked using it from the 220 to 240 range it's a very versatile club and I love it off of really tight lies in The Fairway it's been a huge help to me But a very common question regarding the Hybrid is well how should I be hitting This because it is a hybrid of a three Wood and say an iron of some sort Especially a long iron should I be Hitting it like a three wood should I be Hitting it like a long iron where where What's the correct answer so what a lot Of people will resort to is sweeping the Club through impact when I say sweeping It means basically just coming through The ball picking the ball off the turf Fairly cleanly and going through because With a three wood you don't really take A divot when you're hitting with a three Wood absolutely you're not supposed to With a three iron you do generally take

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A little bit of a divot so what we want To do with the hybrid is not sweep Through impact we can't be sweeping Through impact the reason why is because We do need a slightly downward angle of Attack just like any other club other Than a three-letter driver to get this Ball up in the air if we try and pick it Unless you're absolutely perfectly Precise where the millimeter of the Bottom of this club is on the turf You're going to be hitting it a little Bit thin because you're going to pick it Like this So then the ball is going to be hitting The bottom of your Hybrid Club face now Sometimes you can get away with this Sometimes you'll pick it and the ball Will get up it generally won't be very Uh shapeable it won't be very spinny Which some people like to be able to Shape those long shots and it certainly Won't go as far as a well-struck hybrid Shot what we want to be doing is have a Slightly downward angle of attack into The ball when you think of a divot that You have with a wedge a six degree wedge You have a dollar bill divot fairly Decent sized divot we do not want nearly As much grass and dirt with a hybrid as You do a wedge but if you do catch a Little bit of turf maybe you get a Little bit of dirt after the ball that Is not the worst thing in the world this

Heavily depends on your swing me Personally I do hit a fade I do come Across the ball a little bit so I am Fairly steep through impact so with this Hybrid I will often take a divot it Won't be very it won't be very big at All it'll be right around the divot size Of four iron for me so you know not Those dollar bill divots but I'm Absolutely getting Turf and dirt after The ball there's a great term that Describes the type of impact you're Looking for that has helped me and a few Others and that is the concept of Bruising the ground after the ball you Don't want to be getting really intense You know swatting at the ball like you Would a wedge getting super steep but if You want to just give the ground a Little bit of a bruise and obviously we Want to get that after the ball ball First then Turf even with a hybrid type Club and again like anything this does Take time to trust because you need to Adjust some parts of your setup as well A lot of people like to have and feel These hybrids off in the front of their Stance closer to their inside heel like They would a driver or a three wood it's Very difficult to bruise the ground when The ball is that forward in the stance Because then you're going to be bruising The ground almost in front of your foot Logically mechanically that just doesn't

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Make any sense so you're gonna have to Become a little bit more comfortable Putting that ball slightly back in the Stance and maybe having a little bit More weight on that front foot having The weight forward on your left again You don't want to be off balance you Don't want to be really front foot Weight forward like you would a wedge or Even a middle iron like a seven iron Want to work away from that really to Describe it all in it's a very simple Way is if this is a hybrid between a Wood and a long iron so let's understand It in that way let's use its name we Want the ball to be a hybrid between Where you would have your three iron and Three wood put it right in between there And you want to have a level of Steepness and a divot right between that Like anything this comes with some time On the Range these aren't easy clubs to Become comfortable with you're going to Have to put in some work especially if You haven't been exposed to using Hybrids so just keep that in mind put Some work in a fitting absolutely helps Get fit for your shaft get a new grip on The club some hybrids I believe this one You it has as a loft adjuster right on The hosel so there are definitely things That you can do to give yourself a Better chance but it really does come Down to the work you're going to put in

To practice and become comfortable with A hybrid in your hands I'd love to hear Your thoughts on hybrids leave any Comments Down Below on if you use them If you don't use them let me know why Let me know when you like to use them And how you've practiced to become Better at utilizing your hybrid on the Golf course if you'd like to see more Content like this feel free to subscribe To the scratch golf tips YouTube channel And turn on post notifications so that You can be notified every time a new Video comes out we also have over 130 Videos already on the channel so check Out the channel to watch any of those Videos that we've previously uploaded as Always thank you very much for watching Play well and take care Foreign [Music]

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