The Number 1 Simple Golf Alignment Mistake

The Number 1 Simple Golf Alignment Mistake. In this video golf tip, Australian PGA GOlf Professional Brian Fitzgerald “The Golf Doctor” shows you the number 1 simple alignment mistake most golfers make. It is easy to fix yet most golfers don’t even know they are doing it wrong.

golf alignment problems is very common and is relatively simple to fix. But shoulder alignment is the forgotten part of the golf set up.


I’m Brian Fitzgerald The Golf Doctor.

Today i am going to show you the most common alignment mistake tip that I see in my day to day coaching.

It’s a very simple thing. And ninety percent of the people I coach do this incorrectly.

it’s very easy to fix.

Stay tuned.


So what is that simple alignment mistake that most golfer make?

90% of the people that I coach make this mistake.

So if 90% of the people that I teach make the mistake. There has got to be a reason why they make it.

And there is.

It’s simply, when we take our grips. We have our left hand on top of the club and then when i go to take my grip with my right hand.

Watch what my shoulders do when I go to place my right hand on the club.

My shoulders point to the left.

So if I was to do that again with an alignment stick.

As soon as I go to put my hand on the club so that my left hand is on the top. My right hand goes on the bottom and suddenly my shoulders are pointing left of where my feet are pointing.

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So as soon as your shoulders are pointing left of where your feet are pointing. You are going to have a swing path what people call out to in. i prefer to say you are going to swing to the left of the target line.

or across your body.

That could make you pull it or it could make you pull it. It depends on what your clubface does at the time.

But the thing we need to do most of all. is to make sure when we take our grip we keep our left shoulder where it is there.

If anything it gets higher and creates a space for my right hand to fit on the grip.

If I start turning my left shoulder to accommodate my right hand I have poor alignment.

So you will notice some golf pros take their grip in front of them. That’s fine.

So when you do that it’s easy to take your grip. Then they tilt there left shoulder higher at address.

So when I do that my shoulders are then in line with my feet.

So as I said it is a simple thing. but it is a very important thing.

If your shoulders are pointing left of the target.

You are going to get some very inconsistent ball flight.

Thank you for letting me help you with your golf.

I’m Brian Fitzgerald The Golf Doctor.

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