The Golf Swing is SO MUCH EASIER When you know this DRILL

Make your golf swing SO MUCH EASIER!! you have to know this drill, you can even do this drill at home and it will IMPROVE the STRIKE of you IRONS and DRIVER! FREE SWING ANALYSIS IN THIS VIDEO!

to many golfers make the swing and the drills complicated, you have to keep it simple to see real improvement in strike and distance with your irons and driver! This LEFT hand and lead arm drill will really work on your backswing and downswing!

PGA awarding winning professional Alex Elliott loves this drill because it allows ALL golfers to understand how how to make the perfect backswing and your most powerful downswing! Todays golf instruction video will really concentrate on 2 main areas:

1. How to make the perfect backswing and and how to swing your irons and driver on plane every single time

2. How to get the club coming from the inside on the downswing? This will mean you get your arms and hands into the slot to create more power and control. If you are a SLICER of the golf ball this will be a game changer for your golf swing!

Also we have Sunday swing! enter now to win a FREE swing analysis –

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You can purchaser your golf net just like this here –


This is the best drill and will help all gofers to use to achieve a better impact position consistently with their irons and DRIVER! Key questions that are answered in todays youtube video are: How to stop fatting the golf ball? What is the best drill to stop fatting the golf ball? How do i stop catching the ball before the turf? What is the best drill to stop catching the ground before the golf ball? How do you strike your long irons like your short irons? What is the best drill to hit long irons? Should i bee using long irons or hybrids? What are the best IRON drills for all golfer to use? What is the best iron drills for senior golfers? What are the best irons drills for senior golfers? How do you swing the golf club on plane? What is the best drill to swing the golf club on plane? How do you make the perfect irons swing? How do you swing the driver on plane? How do you swing your driver on plane? What is the best drill for irons and the driver golf swing? How do i make the perfect backswing? What is the best backswing drill? What is the best way to start the backswing? What is the best way to start the golf swing? How important is the backswing? what is the best golf swing tips of all time? How does Ben Hogan swing the golf club? What is the best Ben Hogan golf tip? what is THE BEST GOLF SWING TIP OF ALL TIME from Arnold Palmer?

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this golf tip will show you how to understand the golf swing in a way to help you improve ball striking. Now you will understand how the golf swing works and it will make it so much more simple!

– A brand new golf app is coming to the market, an all in one app… it’s going to be big! Be one of the first to download sweet spot golf


– 2020 is starting thick and fast and during the 2020 golf season you can expect to see me across all golf channels and working providing golf tuition for GOLF MONTHLY.

@Golf Monthly

Hi I’m Alex Elliott, welcome to my YouTube channel AlexElliottGolf. My channel is all about you accessing your best golf ever and learning how to access that more often and become a great consistent striker of the golf ball, whilst having fun along the way.

I specialise in golf lessons, challenges and course vlogs!

All my instruction videos comes from my experience teaching golfers every single day on the lesson tee and my 3 years as a caddy on the European tour where i was exposed to the highest level of coaching to build a wealth of knowledge to now pass onto you!

I want you to play better golf and strike the golf ball like you now you can PURE. I cover a range of topics that include, How to hit he golf ball longer and straighter from the tee, Instruction videos on how to cure your slice with your driver, How to improve the strike of your irons and create that ball then turf divot, the keys to the stance with all clubs, How to start the swing correctly through simple takeaway tips, the sequence of the downswing and how to rotate through the golf ball, don’t forgot short-game tips such as: How to create spin when chipping, Master the bunkers from wet sand and how to hole more putts out on the golf course.

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If you enjoy the channel please make sure you hit subscribe and also tap the notification bell so that you are always notified when I release a new video.

– Follow my social media:

Twitter: @alexelliottgolf
Instagram: @alexelliottgolf

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