Electric Golf Trolleys: Choosing One Who Fits Your Finances
Selecting the best golf trolley can be a significant challenge, given there is an array of electric golf trolleys with competitive prices out there. So, how do you select one that could be the correct investment for you personally? Here are several of your facts you might want to consider before settling with a certain type of electric golf cart.
Tips For Playing Golf With KidsThis article offers you a few tips on how to pique your kid’s interest in golf without forcing them to play. Do you take pride in your golfing proficiency? Then, teaching the nuances of the game to your little one will be the best way to pass on your passion and your expertise to posterity!
A Golf Hacker’s Greatest Golfing MomentsGolf can be a frustrating game. There are times, when playing golf alone, we make the shot of our life and there is no one around to appreciate that shot. But moments like this one keep the hacker coming back hoping for more. This story will bring a smile to the face of every hacker in the game of golf. It also offers them the incentive to keep coming back when they have played a poor round. It reminds golfers that, in every round we play some good shots among the not so good ones.
Three Tips for Choosing a Used Golf CartA used golf cart should be chosen with care and precision. Inspecting the body, components and taking the vehicle for a test drive are some of the things to consider. Read this article to learn more.
The Basic Golf Swing in 4 ComponentsIn the case of golf, the game comes down to the basic golf swing. The better the player is at putting the golf club on the golf ball, the lower their score is going to be. Becoming a great player could take a lot of practice but becoming a good player is very realistic when you do the basics well and do not pick up any bad habits.Master these easy steps and you are well on your way to bragging rights among friends.
Happy Birthday to Arnold Palmer, the KingToday marks the 86th birthday of one of golf’s most iconic figures, the incomparable Arnold Palmer. Arnie is referred to as The King in golfing circles, largely because of his status as golf’s first superstar in the television age.
A Golf Etiquette Guide For Beginning PlayersGoing on a golf outing but don’t know how to behave? Here is a basic golf etiquette guide for beginning players.
Golf Fitness Workout At Home Improves Flexibility, Strengthens Your Core, Upper Lower BodyEven in the off season, or when the weather is bad, at home golf exercise can improve your game. Regularly practice these exercises to improve flexibility and your swing. Strengthen your core, your upper and lower body too with at home golf exercise. When you can get to the course, you will see and feel the difference as will others.
Golf Workout Tips With Specific Strengthening and Flexibility Exercise for Golf FitnessMake no mistake about it, golf is a sport and it demands a certain amount of athleticism. With that said, there are certain aspects of playing golf that can be improved through directed exercising. Most of these exercises are designed to improve overall performance while others are designed to help prevent injuries.
Forget About All The Golf Instruction You’ve Ever HadToo much learning and information causes confusion trying to hit a golf ball. Here’s how to easily lower your handcap by 5 shots using the five simple pre shot steps of the new “VAGSE” Method. It really works.
Tips for Beginners: Ball PositionGolf is one of the most enjoyed sports across the globe. Be it professionally, or as a stress buster, golf has always been an active part of our lives. Now, golf is not as easy as it looks like. This is especially true if you are an amateur, taking baby steps in the world of golf. So here we are bringing you some tips so that you can master the art of golf.
Mental Roadblocks To Your Best Golf: Part TwoOne of the fascinating (and frustrating) aspects of the game, is knowing what to do but not being able to do it consistently. You can learn the essentials of proper technique in a few hours but understanding how to implement them could take years. Traditional golf instruction provides the technical knowledge, but you need the mental tools to implement this knowledge effectively. Most of us have been conditioned to automatically look for imperfections – even when we hit our best shots! In this article, you are going to discover the “missing link” between knowing what to do and communicating this knowledge to your nervous system. The ultimate goal is understanding how your conscious and unconscious minds interact. This awareness will allow you to move beyond swing mechanics and consistently re-create your best shots.