This video focuses on golfers who want to stop slicing the golf ball. Golfers who slice the golf ball, do so because they have an open club face and they respond to an open club face by swinging over the top, or have a swing path that is from out to in. The video will outline some of the most common mistakes that slicers make, such as, poor grip, cupped left wrist at the top of the back swing, and opening the club face in transition. There is also a simple drill included to show you how applying gamma torque (twist) to the grip can help you square the club face and turn your slice into a draw.

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Golfers who slice the golf ball, do so because they never learned to properly square the club face during the swing. Slicers play golf with an open club face and they react to an open club face by swinging over the top or from out to in, to keep the golf ball somewhere on the golf course. Golfers do not slice because they come over the top, they come over the top because they slice. If the golfer who cannot square the club face in the swing was to adjust their path the right without squaring the club face, they would have bigger problems than slicing the golf ball.


Golfers who fail to square the club face do so for a variety of reasons,however I am going to narrow it down to the three most common I see when teaching, that create a slice.

1) Grip. Slicers tend to have terrible left hand grips. They tend to hold the club in the palm, with the heel pad off to the side of the side, which really restricts their ability to square the club. The need to learn to get the heel Pad on top of the grip. You can do this by holding the club with just the left forefinger and heel pad and make sure the club doesn’t slip out. Then close up your thumb and fingers and make sure the last 3 fingers are on a 90 degrees to the grip. This should allow the golfer to square the golf club more easily and help them eliminate their slice.

2) Slicers tend to have the left wrist in a cupped position at the top of the back swing, which opens up the club face. They get to this position by rotating the club face open during the back swing. Ideally your left wrist would be in a flatter position which will keep the club face square. To achieve this top of the back swing position you might want to feel like you are gradually twisting the grip away from you in the back swing. You want to avoid too much too soon, but by the time the club get to the top of the back swing, you should be in a nice flat position with the left wrist. The flat wrist will make the clubface stronger, and therefore, help the golfer get rid of their slice.

See also  Left handed swings from the Tour

3) If you are still slicing the golf ball with a good grip, and good top of back swing position, chances are, you are untwisting the club face in transition which is opening up the club face once again. As you start down the force of you hands will want to open the club face up again and you have to resist that by maintaining the twist you had at the top of the back swing or even increase it. You want to feel like the grip is again twisting away from you in the downswing, or that you are adding flexing to the left wrist. This will strengthen the club face an allow the golfer to have a square club face by impact, eliminating their slice.

A great drill to sense how much twist you need to apply during the swing, to help you stop slicing the golf ball, is to grip the club with your left hand and the thumb and fore finger of your right hand and add a gentle twist until the left wrist is flat at the top of the back swing. As you start down you will want to keep applying the twist to the club in an effort to stop it opening . The is a great drill to fix your slice.

Once your left arm gets to about parallel to the ground go ahead and release the back of the left hand through.

You should find that the ball will fly straighter and the strikes will be more solid and over time your slice will turn into a draw.


This video should help answer the following questions:

– How do I fix my slice
– How to cure my slice fast and easy.
– Why do I slice the golf ball
– Whats the best drill so can I do to eliminate my slice?

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