Malaska Golf // Working On Your Golf Swing vs. How You Play the Game

I recently played in the Southwest PGA Senior Open. I was hitting the ball great, but it didn’t translate on my scorecard. This reminded me of a few lessons I’ve shared over the years.

1. Remember that your score is not necessarily a reflection of who you are as a player. Use your experiences on the course to learn and improve.

2. Playing the game and working on your golf swing are two entirely different things.

Here’s a great conversation I had with Brendon DeVore @bebettergolf, talking about this very subject. It’s part of a 6-Part Golf Talk Series you can watch at

Don’t just play golf. Understand it.

Become a member at, follow The M-System and learn step-by-step to develop the skills you need to become a complete player.

See also  #36 The Lady Golf Teacher Web TV: Get A Grip & Make the Golf Swing Rip

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