Easy Way To Coil In The Backswing

In this tip I am showing you an easy way to coil in the backswing. So many people get this wrong because they are either not seeing it right or they are being told to do it wrong. If you don’t coil back properly you are in no position to uncoil in the downswing. So you end up hitting the ball solely with your arms.

This is such an easy way to coil in the backswing that you can’t mess it up. Yes, for most people this will be a strange feeling but as you do this for a few swings you will quickly latch onto it and be able to do it without thinking about it.

As you learn how to coil in the backswing you will start to develop a spring-like effect that will allow you to hit the ball longer and more solidly but more importantly you will be able to stop hitting with your arms and learn a powerful, effortless, pain-free golf swing.

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In this tip just want to show you a very Quick way To get the understanding of how your Shoulders should be rotating back in Your golf swing so it's very simple We've got a seesaw or we got a Helicopter okay I want the helicopter Not the Seesaw so if you don't kind of Know what I mean or can't You know figure out if what which you're Doing you know just literally take your Golf club like this Cross Your Hands over put it up against Your chest here to indicate your Shoulders okay so now if you were Standing here And you went down with this side of the Golf club this is like a seesaw it's Going down up and down like this Okay this is not what I'm trying to get You to do I want your golf club going Around and around okay like a helicopter The blades on a helicopter okay Helicopter is not going to go this way Helicopter is going to go this way so This is just a real easy way To get a sense of how your shoulders Need to be moving like if you don't get This part you're not going to have the Spring-like effect in your golf swing And you know if your body doesn't work You're going to use your arms and we're Just going to sit here forever gonna Come over the top hit with your arms

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Chicken wing you know the whole bit So we got to get our body moving the Right way so you know a lot of times I've told people you know go back and Feel like your shoulders are more level To the ground you know so I explain that And you know they don't get it so this Is just a real simple way to see it Could even do it in a mirror or a window Right here just take the club like this Put it against your shoulders okay just Imagine what would a seesaw do well a Seesaw would go like this That's what most people do when they go Back they go sideways like this which Creates the too much angle here And then they have to recover so they go The other way so the whole thing is like A seesaw if you went like that and then You turned You would literally hit the thing 50 Yards that way easy Okay so I'm trying to get you to go Around and around so we're going Shoulders and then we're going legs Shoulders legs You can see how my back goes to the Target uh head is moving so I can load Properly like if you go like that There's no way on Earth You're going to get your back to the Target or load your weight and then now You're in a reverse pivot position so Just sit there in a mirror or a window

Right there Take a club like this and just think Okay This is sideways like a seesaw That's like a helicopter okay that's the Move I need you to do so you just keep Doing it get used to it oh that's what It feels like okay good then Just do a couple practice swings Thinking of the same move Oh helicopter got it Okay so that's what we're trying to do In your golf swing so maybe you're doing That around the house Then try to remember that feeling Tee up a ball try to get the same Feeling okay it's Pretty obvious the difference between That And that yeah it's new and different but Just give it a try Okay you'll see that that will get you Coiling and uncoiling a lot better once You can do that then you can turn your Arms off and get that powerful Effortless pain-free golf swing I truly Hope you've enjoyed this tip here's Another tip that's going to help you Improve your swing now right below that Don't forget to click on that link Because I'm going to send you some free Samples of my body swing book and video Series that'll take you step by step by Step through how to build a powerful

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Effortless pain-free golf swing