What will a TOUR PRO golfer score around a public course?

How to Play Shots From the Sand Trap, Like a Pro

How to make the bunkers your friend. Fear not the bunkers but master them to shoot lower golf scores. Senior golfers can improve by learning how to hit bunker shots correctly.

The Power of Fear: Conquering The Avoidance Syndrome

Based on my experience with over eleven-thousand students, I have come to the conclusion that the vast majority find it easier to recall mistakes than successes. The fear of repeating a past mistake traps many golfers in the avoidance syndrome; they automatically focus on where they don’t want the ball to go. In most cases, the golfer isn’t aware of this tendency. This article offers a brief overview on how to overcome the avoidance syndrome.

Improve Your Golf Putting Skills And Lower Your Handicap Fast

Learning the game of golf is quite a challenge and it can be frustrating when your scores are not getting better. Discover some useful tips to help you improve your putting skills and shoot lower scores more quickly.

Learning to Play Golf Better and Shoot Lower Scores

Learning the game of golf can be a significant challenge however it is not impossible to get better if you can learn to do things the right way. Discover some useful tips to help you keep the ball in the fairway and reduce your handicap faster.

Become a Better Golfer Today – Break the Myths and Learn the Skills to Excel

Here are a few myths and key pointers that I have learned through my years as a golfer. If you follow my advise, you will, plain and simple, become a better golfer.

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Easily Learn Exact Steps of How to Drive the Golf Ball Longer Improving Your Golf Swing Speed

Longer Drives Will be natural for you when you increase golf swing speed. Learn Details on the steps needed to achieve faster swings and longer distances.

Golf Swing Tempo and Knowing How Your Rhythm and Tempo Lead to Consistent Golf Swings

Understanding the interaction between Tempo and rhythm in your golf swing can improve your consistency in the game. Discover how to use your rhythm to develop tempo. More tips on relaxation to help and optimizing golf swing tempo

Improve Your Golf Swing With These 6 Tips For Beginners That Will Lower Scores Consistently

Golf can seem very complex with so much to remember when you are beginning the game or stepping up to learn more to lower your scores. However, when you stick to the basics, and follow these tips or what can be considered form rules, you can keep your scores consistently lower.

How Can Golf Courses Better Conserve Water Supplies?

The USGA is employing several new and innovative intelligent solutions to the on-going issue of water conservation. Here are a few of the new grasses being developed and tested to see which ones are best suited for the different environments they would be used in.

Golfing Is Great in America’s Northwest Corner

There are more than 350 public golf courses in Oregon and Washington. Both states are great places for golfers. Beautiful scenery, wildlife and some of America’s greatest courses are the draw. No matter where you go in either state there’s always a good reason to take the clubs along. Here’s a look at some great golf areas open for public play in America’s Pacific Northwest corner.

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A Morning With Bernhard Langer

It’s a beautiful Friday morning, and I’m out here on the Cochise course driving range at Desert Mountain Country Club, awaiting my appointment with Bernhard Langer. I have known Mr. Langer for a little over a year now, we have worked together at a few other golf tournaments, and he graciously obliged to do this interview with me.

How To Lower Golfing Scores Quickly

Lowering your golf scores quickly is not an easy task and requires a lot of perseverance. Discover some effective and proven techniques to help you hit the ball straighter and enjoy the game more.

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