Golf Tips for Women – Grip, Posture and Breast Battles

When my husband started teaching me to golf, I found his tips helpful but there were many things he didn’t understand about being a woman golfer. For example, he didn’t have breasts to get in the way of his swing and he didn’t feel self-conscious about sticking his butt out when getting his stance.

Golf Player Tips: Master Your Chipping

Chipping and putting are two areas of your golf game that nearly every golfer can stand to improve upon. Learning better chipping and putting can shave quite a lot off your score and help you reduce your handicap by a significant amount.

Golf Etiquette – Learning the Game

When teaching your children, spouse, friend or family member the game of golf, it’s important to teach proper etiquette from day one. In fact, anyone who comes with you to play golf, whether they play or not, should be aware of and observe proper golf etiquette.

Golf Drills for Junior Golfers

While not every young golfer is an up-and-coming Tiger Woods, there are many benefits to golfing for young people and with the right golf drills, your junior golfer can learn to improve his game. As a youth coach, I have learned that the biggest advantage to teaching a child any sport or activity is to keep it fun.

Beginner Golf Tips – Know Your Game

When it comes to the game of golf, nothing shows your expertise better than knowing your golf terminology. However, as a beginner, there’s a lot to learn and you may find yourself scrambling to figure it all out unless you’ve grown up on a golf course.

See also  Simple Swing Drills for Beginners | BASIC Golf Swing
Bunker Play Tips for Women Golfers

Women often face different challenges on the course than our male counterparts. For this reason, many women have a hard time with bunker play.

Finely Tuned Sunglasses Could Be The Key To Taking Your Golf Game To The Next Level

If you’re searching for a way to take your golf game to that next level, consider a high-end pair of sunglasses that can be a tool for success. Just like custom golf clubs, highly engineered golf balls or the right pair of golf shoes, sunglasses can make that little difference that have you beating par every time.

Golf 101 – The Basic Equipment

This Golf 101 lesson is a short overview of the items you will need to play the game. Of course, the main thing you will feel the necessity for is a set of clubs. A golf club consists of three components, the head, the shaft and the grip. The club head can be made of a variety of materials, from the common zinc and aluminum that are used in clubs designated for beginners to high-end titanium, which manufactures club heads that are very strong while still remaining sturdy. Golf club shafts can be fabricated from graphite or steel, with graphite being the recommended material for golfers who want a lighter shaft on their clubs or those who have lower strength, such as ladies and senior-aged golfers. Grips are made of rubber and should be redressed on a regular basis since they wear out and deplete their hold over time.

What Is the Difference Between a Pitch and Chip in Golf?
See also  How to Practice your Chipping! Great Chipping Practice Routine!

Pitches and chips are the shots that can make all the difference to your score by the end of the round. While both are played from anywhere between 40 to 100 yards, that is where the similarity ends.

The Advantages of a 36-Hole Golf Battery

This article looks at the pros and cons of a 36 hole golf battery. While it may cost more than a standard one, it could save the end user a lot of frustration.

Why You Need a Golf Clubs Rental Service

Golf is a sport where players utilize many different precision clubs to hit and put a small ball to a hole (or pin). That is, to play this sport, you have to have the necessary equipment aside from the power and accurate swings. While owning the tools is the primary option, here are some reasons a golf clubs rental service may be helpful.

The Fundamentals of a Great Golf Swing

Establishing solid fundamentals are the key to developing the perfect golf swing. From grip, to setup, to follow through, each step is critically important in creating a foundation for both amateur and professional golfers.

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