I bought this driver to WARN you! (shocking results)

Lake Geneva Golf Courses to Play

When it comes to golf in the Lake Geneva Wisconsin area, there is no shortage of quality course to choose from. Every year, the number of people who make LG a golf destination grows.

The 4 Components of a Proper Golf Swing

Get your golf swing improved quickly and easily. This article gives very helpful tips and advice to teach you how to develop a proper golf swing. The 4 main components of your golf swing will determine how good of a golfer you can become.

Why Does My Golf Ball Go Left When I Swing Harder?

I order to hit the ball farther, we have to hit it harder. There are a few other things that count, too, but hard hits are vital to get distance. The problem for many recreational golfers is that trying to hit the ball harder leads to wilder shots. A ball that goes left is a common problem. Here’s why it happens and what to do about it.

How Does Ernie Els Hit the Ball So Far?

When Tiger Woods swings his driver, or Bubba Watson, you can see the power and you almost hurt yourself just watching. Then there’s Ernie Els, every recreational golfer’s favorite player. With what seems like no effort at all, he hits the ball just as far as anyone. How does he hit the ball so hard with such an easy swing? To begin with, appearances are deceptive.

How to Improve Your Golf Game Where It Really Counts: Inside Your Head

So, how do you psych yourself up for a “good game”? Here are 5 pointers that can help you get ready…

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For the Correct Ball Position, Focus on Your Right Foot and Left Heel

When we talk about ball positioning, we are not talking about changing the position of the ball, but rather the placement of the feet in relation to where the ball rests. These descriptions are for right-handed golfers and should be just opposite for left-handed golfers. Depending on which club you use, the positioning of the ball becomes very important.

Guidelines to Help Create the Perfect Golf Swing

The game of golf is about achieving the perfect swing. In golf, there are always three things you must remember to get the swing right: Stance, Posture, and Grip. If you cannot master the right way to execute these three things, then you will never be able to master the game.

4 Key Elements to Help Left Handed Golfers

The left handed golfer can often be ignored when it comes to tips and instruction in the game of golf, since there are so few left handed golfers. This article lists some of the key elements of the left hand golfer game to focus on.

Golden Advice on How to Break 80 for Average Golfers

It can take as long as three to five years to learn to break 80 in golf. If ever you have decided to take on this game as a hobby, well, you have to make things happen by allowing yourself to practice as often as you like. Having this game as a pastime is good but you can always upgrade from being a so-so player into a pro golfer if you only know how.

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Improve Golf Handicap With Mental Training

The power of the mind is unlimited. And we are told that we do not use the full capacity of our mental abilities which we are able to tap into at our will. If you have not experienced it as yet, you can lower your golf handicap with mental training. The question is how?

How Do You Hit A Golf Ball From The Tee?

That is the question; how do you hit a golf ball from the tee? You do it with your favorite driver. And you perform from the tee ground with yardages which you will succeed with the strength and the power you have behind your golf swing.

Islewood Golf Range and Learning Center Review

Islewwod Golf Range and Learning Center is located in Fresno, CA right on the San Joaquin River. Surrounding golfers practicing their swing is some of the most natural beauty in the area. Peaceful and tranquil, Islewood provides the best ambiance for grooving your swing and getting better.

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