How To Take a Divot – And Why A Divot Occurs

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How To Take a Divot – And Why A Divot Occurs

So many people don’t take a divot when they hit the golf ball yet pros do take divots. There is a reason why and that’s what this tip is about.

Once you understand why a divot is taken you will be well on your way to taking them yourself. No, this tip is not about hitting down on the ball to take a divot. Haven’t you already tried that? If that works, why are you watching this tip?

Hitting down does not work. In fact, this is the worst thing you can do to take a divot. In no way would I ever tell someone to do this. All it takes is a little understanding and you will finally realize why that doesn’t work.

Once you know the reason, you are halfway to starting to take divots on your iron shots. This tip is unlike anything you have heard in the past and I have proven with thousands of my own students that this is the right way to take a divot. Watch now.

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