HOW TO HIT PURE IRONS (Do This Drill Daily)

Try Out Different Golf Courses to Improve Your Game

With so many different golf courses out there to play, there’s no reason to play the same one over and over. Start playing at various locations to take your game to the next level.

Discover the Know – Feel – Trust Factor in Your Golf Swing

If you understand the Know – Feel – Trust factor in your golf swing, you’ll finally understand why a lot of the “modern day” instruction does nothing to improve your golf game. Too many mechanical swing thoughts will prevent you from being able to tap into that golfer within. The Know – Feel – Trust factor will unlock your unique, personal golf swing DNA and have you playing golf like the pros do.

Golf Training Drills

This article talks about golf drills and how they will help you improve your overall game. With practice makes perfect the old saying. This article will give the reader practical off the golf course training drills.

How to Hit a Golf Ball on an Uneven Lie

No matter where you play golf, you will always encounter uneven lies, and there are some courses where that’s the only shot you’ll play. Whether the ball is above or below your feet, or an uphill or downhill lie, you must make some swing adjustments. The biggest obstacle you will have to making this shot properly is to maintain balance, and we all know that proper balance is a key to maintaining a consistent swing.

Things To Learn About The Backyard Putting Green
See also  How to Use Swing Thoughts to Improve Your Golf!

If you’re serious about improving your techniques in golf, but you don’t have any time to practice in a real course, you can purchase a backyard putting green. It is an artificial grass designed specifically to resemble a real course. The idea is for serious and hobbyist golfers be able to practice some hitting and swinging in the convenience of their very own homes.

Backyard Putting Green Guidelines

If you’re not familiar yet what a backyard putting green is, this article will help you understand the uses and benefits of it. You will be surprised how a putting green will turn your backyard to lush-looking and make your house look very calm and refreshing. A putting green is an artificial grass that usually resembles a golf course.

The Mental Game Of Golf – Improve Your Physical Game With These 3 Mindset Tips

Why spending time on the mental game of golf will transform your physical game. Learn 3 strategies that you can start implementing straight away for immediate results.

Get the Best Relaxation You Possibly Can Out of Your Golf Games

Golf is surely one of the most relaxing sports out there. It’s why so many people enjoy it – and the best part is, you can still have all the competition you want despite the sport being so relaxed, because golf can also be quite the active and competitive sport.

15 Ways to Use Imprinted Golf Balls

Golf balls are not only limited to the use of playing the sport. Be more creative with balls by giving them a hippy look and customizing them into imprinted balls. These could be then used in different ways. If you could not imagine one, let us help you open your mind on how or where you could use your customized balls.

See also  My BEST Golf ball for holing more putts!
Kids Golf Training Tips

Introducing your child to the great game of golf can be challenging. It is important to make the experience fun and exciting, without putting pressure on the youngster.

Affordable Golf

Affordable and golf are not two words used in the same sentence often! You can however find some deals out there, so let’s explore some of them.

Tips About How To Choose The Best Golf Gifts For Men

Men like gifts as much as women do. So when you buy them a present, make sure that you choose something that will not only be useful to them but also something that will give entertainment or amusement. When you’re planning on giving a gift to your male family member, you might want to consider giving them golfer stuff.

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