HIGH SPEED Wrist Hinge Hack | Simple Golf Swing Tips

Proper wrist hinge in your golf swing remains one of the biggest power sources any golfer can actively tap into. While our wrist hinge must occur naturally, there are basic drills and exercises me and my golf student perform that promotes such movements to become second nature to a player. Wrist hinge has to begin before a player’s hands and golf club reach waist height to maintain the ideal swing plane.

The motion can be executed properly by using our takeaway to hinge our wrists naturally rather than trying to force wrist hinge before taking the club back all the way.

The power and speed found in most PGA Tour level swings are produced with properly, naturally hinged wrists. Natural wrist hinge generates downward pressure that will be released into the golf ball during the downswing transition. Me and my golf students have shown a natural ability to increase the speed of our swings considerably simply by unleashing our wrist hinge.

While an excessive amount of casual golfers continue to perform their wrist hinge incorrectly, there may be better golf drills to understand this sometimes confusing element of our swings. Rather than applying the desired downward pressure with their wrists, players end up flicking their wrists. This motion fails to generate the speed and power needed to improve your shots as this type of wrist hinge will cause poor contact with the ball.

Naturally, nearly every player will have slight variations in how they hinge their wrists but there are basic guidelines that are considered to be better golf mechanics to deliver desired results. A properly hinged wrist begins with a well applied grip. One of the most common mistakes that players commit during their takeaway involves rolling the wrists and arms back immediately. When executed, this creates over rotation and promotes poor positioning for the downswing transition. Rotations taking place in your backswing should be executed naturally rather than being forced.


Many players quickly snap their wrists as soon as they start their backswing. Keeping an eye on where the butt end of your golf club faces while starting the takeaway will indicate whether or not you’re snapping your wrists during your golf swing. If you observe the end of your grip pointed in the direction of your target, wrist snapping likely exists in your golf swing.

00:00 The Effects of Proper Wrist Hinge on Golf Swings
00:26 Dorsey Flexion / Extension Drills
02:48 Forward Swing Extension Control
03:52 Extended Finish for Low Impact Shots
04:12 Keeping Your Wrists Loose
05:05 Creating Lighter, Balanced Golf Swings
05:56 Take a Lesson with Paul Gorman

#GolfSwing #GolfVLOG #GolfLesson #WristHinge

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