GOLF: The Secret To Creating Lag You Never Heard Before

The Secret To Creating Lag You Never Heard Before

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Trying to create a lot of lag in your downswing is a horrible idea. Instead, I’m going to give you one or two things you should be doing to get the impact you want.

When you watch the pros – two-dimensionally – it looks like they have a much better angle coming down than you do. But, it’s not the whole story. If you were to actually measure the wrist angles of these players, it’s completely different than what it looks like on screen.

A lot of people are under the impression that you need to hold a left wrist hinge all the way down into impact to get lag. In fact, holding that hinge makes it impossible to actually hit the ball. To get the club to the ground you must unhinge. So, how do you square up the clubface from there? You need to add flexion and supinate your lead arm.

See also  The Right Hand Only Drill - Grexa Golf Instruction


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