Golf swing grip. How to golf video tips 1 Golf swing grip. How to golf video tips 1. This how to golf video is number 1 in a series of eight Golf swing tips. One of the most important parts of a good swing is developing a solid foundation – that is your set up. Without a good set up you are very unlikely to hit good shots. Some of the most important parts of your set up are:
• Your alignment – making sure that you are square to the target,
• Your posture making sure all of your angles are correct especially your spine angle
• And most importantly, your grip.

Let’s start with the grip.
Here are some of the common problems that many golfers fall into:
• The most common problem is turning one or both of the hands around the shaft towards the target – this is know as a “weak grip” and is quite likely to cause a slicing type of shot.
• Another is turning one or both of the hands around the shaft away from the target – this is known as a “strong grip” and is quite likely to cause a hooking type of shot.
• Another problem that a lot of amateurs get in to is Simply gripping the club way too tightly.

See also  Left Handed Golf Swing

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