Golf Sequence Drill | How to Sync Your Golf Arm Swing to Your Golf Hip Turn | Golf Sequencing

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Kip Puterbaugh, the Director of Instruction at the Aviara Golf Academy, describes a drill that can help create a proper golf swing sequence of motion every time. To discuss this golf tip with other golfers and share your own, leave a comment below. We look forward to your feedback.


Hi, I’m Kip Puterbaugh, the Director of Instruction at the Aviara Golf Academy.

One of the biggest problems for the average player is learning how to sync up their arm swing to their body rotation. This is called a sequence of motion. And what we want to do is learn to get our body and arms to work as a unit to where we can deliver maximum club head speed through the ball. So when you’re working on this one drill that we started to use is to take the club and put it across your hips, you want the club head on the right hand side of your body, the face of the club straight up and down. What you want to imagine is that there’s a ball roughly at thigh height, just a little lower than the club when I’m in this position, and I want to pretend that I’m going to hit that ball with that club. So I have to, from this position to do that, I have to shift some weight and rotate my hips. So now my club is slightly lower than it was at the start, and it’s up to my left thigh. Doing this drill can really get you to sense of how your hips have to work through the shot moving this way.

See also  Golf Swing Exercises - Left Hand Only

Now to sync up the arm, what you do after you’ve gotten a little comfortable with this drill, is take your right arm, and put it directly on top of the club head, and from here you move the club to the same place. So what you’re doing is you’re going here, and you move both the club and the hand at the same pace, to the ball. And this start giving you a sense of the syncing of the body turn to the arms, and once you’ve gone past impact the arm would definitely pass the club.

So what you’re doing is just put the club on your hip, go to a ball slightly lower than it was at your start position, and then sync up your right hand, and do this drill, and you’ll learn to get yourself through the ball, so you can really accelerate to the target.

Good luck. Hope this helps you with your game.


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