Golf Lessons Lake Forest CA – Swing Release (949) 554-9926

Golf Lessons Lake Forest Call (949) 554-9926 – Looking for golf lessons in Lake Forest CA (or the nearby area) or just some golfing tips in general? Ryan Trengrove (Class A PGA member) owner of a state-of-the-art indoor golf training facility called Golf Swing Prescription (Laguna Hills, CA), discusses the topic of the Swing Release During the Follow Through.

Golf Lessons Lake Forest-
Ryan starts this lesson by referencing one of the books that he has at the Golf Swing Prescription Golf Training facility called The Fundamentals of Hogan by David Leadbetter. He points out on page 96 a section that talks about the golf swing follow through and release. This section references Golfing Great Ben Hogan, The book says, “Hogan did not want his hands to cross over as he demonstrates here, he wanted the feeling of his right hand under his left hand, and you can see here how the palm of his right hand is coming under versus here it’s coming over.

What you want to avoid is the rolling of the wrists like you see in a baseball swing. Many times, the rolling of the wrists action is caused by a poor back swing. To fix this problem, Ryan discusses a drill that you can do to help your back swing (this lesson assumes you are a right handed golfer). You basically take a ball (about the size of a basketball), and place it between both hands and perform a golf swing. What you would do on the way through is just like throwing a ball underhanded. You want to toss the ball at our target. So you would keep the palm of that hand going at your target versus the right hand twisting.

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While performing the swing, if you feel that you have to twist your hand over to go straight, then you are probably twisting your wrists during the back swing. So on the way back, keep the palm on top with the palm of that right hand facing down to the ground and the left hand underneath on the way through allowing you to throw straight at the target.

Golf Lessons Lake Forest – Drill
You can actually practice this drill by performing the Left Hand only drill. Take the club in your left hand only, and perform a golf swing all the way to your follow through going straight at your target versus you having to flip your hand. If you flip the hand you can’t perform the swing.

Take the back of your left hand, and your going to go at your target with your body then released with it, if you do this correctly, the back of your left hand will be facing back behind you at the end versus if you twist everything, with the back of your palm facing back.

Ryan further displays this action on his teaching screen. He shows Tiger Woods on the left-hand screens getting all of his weight going forward during his follow through. The back of his left hand at impact is facing the target.

On the other side of the teaching screen he shows a view from behind Davis Love as he is hitting the ball. At the end of Davis’s swing, the back of his left hand facing back at you. So the back of the hand goes at the target on the way through the swing and ends up facing away from it after the swing.

See also  How To Start Your Backswing In Golf

So, Ryan points out, the next time you play, keep the back of your hand at your target. Here is a quote from Billy Casper – the left hand is your control hand!

Hopefully this golf tip has been of value to you, give it a try, it should help your golf game.

Ryan performs over 1,500 golf lessons per year, when compared to the average club pro that only conducts approximately 300. Ryan is extremely popular for a reason; his indoor “state of the art” golf training facility has all of the latest tools to help you lower your golf scores.

Golf Lessons Lake Forest Special!
If you are interested in getting golf lessons in Lake Forest CA or the nearby area, Golf Swing Prescription is running a special right now where you can get a complete swing analysis for only $59.00 (includes video).

For Further information, check out the Golf Swing Prescription web site at:
or give us a call at 949-544-9926.

Contact information:
Golf Swing Prescription
26081 Merit Circle #103
Laguna Hills, CA 92653
Telephone: 949-554-9926
email :

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Lake Forest golf lessons
golf lessons Lake Forest CA
Lake Forest CA golf lessons
golf lessons Lake Forest California
Lake Forest California golf lessons
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