Golf Lesson – Putting Tips

One of the very important thing should we consider in golf is putting. Many golf games have been won and lost on the green. Golf putting is a vital skill that must be honed in every golfer’s game if they wish to progress to the next level. Here are some golf putting tips you ought to know.

Putting Golf Tips Number 1. If you are on the green or in a position where you can putt. This is the time to start thinking about the putt. Evaluate the green and think about how your ball rolled when it landed. Watching how the ball reacted when it finished on the green will give you insight into how the ball will roll. It will give you a line. Is the green sloped? Is the green on a hillside? These factors will affect the way the ball rolls.

Putting Golf Tips Number 2. Grip the putter with the correct pressure. Take your glove off to get a better feel. Your right hand should be parallel to the target line; of course if you are left handed the left hand will be parallel to the target line. The right hand or left hand (for left hander players) should have more grip pressure as this is the guide for your putter.

Putting Golf Tips Number 3. Always take the time to read the putt. Too many people new to the game rush into this and then wonder why they were not successful. Study the putt thoroughly from the front, back and side. Pay careful attention from the back of the hole you can spot any cheeky breaks or snap breaks that you will need to play for. Remember the path of the ball is determined by gravity, this means you have to putt were the ball is going to break. However the harder you hit the ball the less effect as lope will have.

See also  Lag Putt like a pro - Putting Tips from Jim McLean

Putting Golf Tips Number 4. Address the ball so that your eyes are directly above the ball. Get comfortable and balanced. The golf ball should be positioned towards the front heel. This encourages a putt with top spin which will roll better. If the ball is not positioned towards the front heel then you may miss-hit the putt.

Putting Golf Tips Number 5. Form a triangle with your arms and shoulders. Visualize the putting stroke as a pendulum motion. A pendulum like stroke promotes a good ball strike. What you want to do with the stroke is accelerate through the ball whilst maintaining a still head throughout. A common problem with putting is head movement.

It is alright if you struggle with golf putting, many who play golf do. But knowing these few golf tips will absolutely help you to improve putting


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