Golf Instruction That’s Killing Your Golf Swing: Attention Senior Golfers

Golf instruction and senior golf do not mix.
and get a simple golf swing series for more power consistency and lower scores.

Today is a polite rant I’m going to make this as polite I was listening to seer em radio which I have on and on the PGA tour radio.

I really had a hard time this morning this was the hardest drive I’ve ever had to put up with there was a top 50 instructor talking about what most the most common problem or mistake that we see.

The most common mistake they see is a very steep downswing from the top of the backswing and find all of the instructional videos and find out before they think that there’s a mistake what was it that was in the student mind or golfers mind prior to beginning the swing.

In this golf lesson, Shawn Clement from Wisdom in Golf shares some insights why how you are being taught the golf swing is killing you, your swing and your scores.

It’s time to end the frustration! This is why the why the Senior Golf Swing System had to be created. Teaming ups with The art of Simple Golf to create a comprehensive golf swing for over 50’s and senior golfers.

It’s still perfect for any golfer, but those who are wise will heed this advice. Here Shawn Clement shares a simple golf swing instruction avoidance tip to get more golf swing speed and golf power.

To have a good golf swing you need. Stability, balance, natural mechanics, simple thoughts. When you use velocity, sequence and use the ground correctly in the golf swing you can achieve all of these a lot easier.

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This is a golf swing drill anyone can do to feel width and consistency. And all you need is a towel to perform this great golf swing improvement sequence drill. Increase width and lag.

Some senior golfers have actually been quite seriously injured by chemical exposure on golf courses. They range across the age spectrum, but seniors are usually affected the most.

I think it’s time for a serious assessment of what risks the average senior golfer faces on his or her favorite golf course. Attention senior golfers are starting a fun affordable senior league on every morning the course is in great shape too.

Come and learn more and see our resources to help you increase your distances, improve consistency and lower golf scores here


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