Golf Driver Tips: Proper Ball Position to Hit Up on the Ball

Golf driver tips with video lesson about proper ball position.

Hey golfers, PGA Professional Todd Kolb here with another segment of On the Lesson Tee. Now we all know that one of the most enjoyable shots in golf—of course—is a nice long drive; and in order to do this, I need to make solid contact with the golf ball, and I also need to catch the ball as the club is traveling in a slight ascending motion, or moving slightly upward. Now in order to do this, I need to do two things correctly; I need to control where the ball is at in relationship to my body, and also I need to control where the bottom of my swing is at.
Let’s talk about ball position first. I want you to position the ball so that the ball is straight out from the inside of your left foot if you’re a right-handed golfer, or the lead foot. This will get the ball in the right spot in terms of where it is relative to your body.
The second thing—and probably the most important thing—is controlling where the club bottoms out, or what we call the bottom of the swing arc. Now the bottom of your swing arc is basically going to follow where the balance of your weight is on your feet. So I want you to be set up so that your balance is pretty much 50/50 on both of your feet. So as you’re set in there, you’ve got about 50 percent left, 50 percent right; and as you swing the club to the top, I want you to keep that weight relatively the same. I don’t want you to move your weight off the golf ball, and shift all of your weight to the right. That’s going to move the bottom of your swing arc. So understanding where the ball is positioned, understanding where your weight is positioned, both of those things will help you hit those drives as far as you’re capable of hitting them.

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