Downswing Tips For Senior Golfers
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Getting older does not mean you can’t still play good golf. But, how do you play your best golf when you don’t have the mobility or club head speed you once had? Eric Cogorno’s GOLF SWING FOR SENIORS is the solution.
Specifically designed by Performance Golf Coach and Golf Influencer, Eric Cogorno, the GOLF SWING FOR SENIORS MASTER CLASS is a progressive program of the most current methods of maximizing movement and skills to preserve – and improve – your golf game as you age.
Unlike other one-off videos or quick fixes, this is a comprehensive program that takes you step-by-step through the process.
So, what’s included in Eric Cogorno’s GOLF SWING FOR SENIORS MASTER CLASS…
Purchase now and get instant access to 16 videos of Eric walking you through the entire course. It’s the exact same way he would guide you through the process if you were together at the range.
You’ll learn:
-What’s different for senior golfers
-Set Up, backswing, downswing and follow through checkpoints and moves specifically tailored for the senior golfer
-How to increase driver distance.
-How to master wedge distance control – a key to taking strokes off your score
-A 14-Day practice plan
Don’t let this chance to improve your golf game and lower your scores pass you by!
**Unleash your speed! All golfers can increase their distance with SuperSpeed Golf. Find out how at
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Go to and use the promo code: ECOGORNO30 to get 30% off the first subscription period of any subscription plan on Hole 19’s website.
(Only available via WEB subscription not on App or Play Stores)
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1) Used it personally. (which will be the case the vast majority of the time)
2) Thoroughly researched it and gotten first-hand user feedback from other professionals I trust and that have used the product/service.