Clubface Control Swing Tips | Golf VLOGS


It can be said that all of golf’s top players have masterful control over the positioning of their clubface throughout their entire golf swing

But, understand that none golf’s legendary players simply picked up a golf club and were able to produce such swings at square one.

Being attentive to detail during their training, tour players are able to refine their natural golf swing over time, which propels the most efficient and talented golfers to the mainstream.

Much can be learned simply through studying the training habits of successful golfers, many of whom are very vocal about the adjustment they’ve applied to their golf swings in order to attain the level of success most other players only fantasize about.

As witnessed in George Gankas golf VLOGS, much of the work that players must do in the beginning stages of their golf swing concerns strengthening their natural abilities while working to correct any flawed motion present in their swings.

Because of this individualized approach to training, George Gankas golf VLOGs, known collectively as the GG Swing Method, continues to be credited as one of the best training programs, vocalized by a fan base that wraps around the entire globe.

Gankas understands that studying the golf swing routine of tour level golfers can provide much insight to players beginning training for the first time and even veteran players that are looking to remedy reduced motion or flexibility in their bodies.

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Being able to have consistent control over your clubface, with any club in any situation on the golf course will assist in developing predictable results every time you pick up a club.

Many players are aware of the critical importance of maintaining a square clubface throughout their golf swing, but to many this simply doesn’t resonate because they have zero clue how or why they should develop this technique.

As many novice golfers suffer through inconsistent results when squaring their clubface, learning how to train such a technique might be more important than actually replicating the motion in your golf swing.

There are hours of “expert” golf VLOGS and articles that speak on the subject of squared clubfaces, but most players who learn visually sometimes need to know what to look for in their own swings in order to replicate the motion consistently.

So, when assuming your typical grip on a driver, open your right hand and place it upon the shaft of the golf club so it aims towards the target, with the fingers pointed downward.

You will realize that the positioning of your right palm has taken on the same angle as that of your clubface.

As you bring the driver backward, keep your right palm in this position.

Allowing natural rotation in your driver will show that your right palm has now traveled below the shaft as your driver rises to the top of your swing.

Moving your driver through the backswing to downswing transition, you will notice your right hand returning to the original position on the shaft as you near impact.

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Understanding that your palm has taken a position identical to that of your clubface, you can bet that your clubface will be squared upon impact.

Despite being one of the leading causes of missed shots, several golfers of all skill levels are not able to identify what an open clubface looks like during their own golf swing.

Typically opening during the backswing transition, an open clubface typically forms either via forearm motion or adjustments made to the full body rotation during the swing.

Often the clubface will point right of target as the clubface begins opposite of the golf ball.

As our body coils through the motions of a golf swing, any forearm movement during our backswing transition will result in our clubface opening up and then closing as we move into our downswing, which throws off the sequencing of the entire swing.

Maintaining a quiet forearm (zero spin) during our backswing transition will cause the clubface to maintain positioning throughout the golf swing, staying square to the swing path it travels upon.


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