Body Movement in Chipping

Many players mistakenly think that a chip shot shouldn’t have any body movement. That’s understandable because it is a precision shot which doesn’t require much power.

Eliminating body movement will immediately mean that you are using your hands and arms too much and will lose shot control and quality.

Melbourne Golf Coach is both a website and YouTube channel run by Australian PGA Master Professional Peter Knight. If you are a golfer of any level looking for ways to improve, especially during those moments where you might feel ‘stuck’, then Peter’s expertise will help you, as it has thousands of other golfers from beginners to professionals.

Each week there are videos and added to this channel as well as Peter’s Melbourne Golf Coach website.

Make sure you connect and follow Peter at the links below to make sure you never miss any great information coming your way.

The online coaching is using the app ProGolfMe or the app Skillest

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See also  How To Improve Chipping Impact | Golf Channel

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