Backyard Chipping 101 | The 5 Ball Bucket Drill

Welcome Clickit Golf Members to the “Insiders Tip of the Week” for the week of 5/4/2020 – This is Aaron Olson and I’m excited to be partnering with ClickitGolf. As a member of the top 100 Golf Digest Teachers in California I am excited to share my weekly tips with you. Given these uncertain times surrounding the corona virus: staying home, self-quarantining, etc., we thought why not provide a weekly golf tip so you can practice in your home if you can’t get out to the course. Let’s face it, Golf is our escape and we hope you enjoy these weekly tips which will come out every Monday. Make sure to listen all the way through b/c each week, Clickit may even promote a different “insiders deal” good for discounted golf, merchandise and other golf products.

See also  Top 5 Winter Tips Golf Chipping

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