Jason Sudeikis and Bob Share the Ted Lasso Inspired Belief of Replacing Cynicism With Positivity

Actor, writer, producer, and former SNL cast member, Jason Sudeikis reveals his secret to his infamous high jump, the inspiration behind his dancing, and tells Bob what’s really inside the cakes featured in Ted Lasso. Plus, the two new friends share their views on how they get through cynical times.

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About the Podcast:
BOB SAGET’S HERE FOR YOU is a podcast that is like no other— Because it goes inside Bob’s Saget’s mind, and then quickly filters out through his mouth. Bob has a way of calming people with genuine empathy and humor while they’re going through a difficult time, which we all are at present. Reaching his unusually diverse audience that he talks to as a friend, Bob is the dad with great advice, the irreverent funny guy who’s always there when you need a laugh, and the free-associative Bob who goes off on crazy tangents then returns to the subject at hand, as serious or as comedic as it may be, to wrap up each episode in a way only Bob can do. Because he really does believe, “He’s here for you.” To leave a message for Bob call (562) 600-0343.

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#BobSaget #HereForYou #Podcast

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