“You are only as good as your hands” HENRY COTTON

Only As Good As Your Hands By Henry Cotton
The Life And Golfing Times of Henry Cotton This Game Of Golf
“The club-head is about to enter the hitting area, and at this point the right hand throws its full power behind the momentum of the club-head. It is the precision and co-ordination with which this stored-up energy is applied that will in a large measure determine the accuracy and distance attained in the shot.” Louise Suggs 1954

“The left hand and arm must be taught their roles, then they can help the powerful right to make the timed blow, so sought after and yet rarely found.” Henry Cotton 1964


“If the shot is to be pushed the hands remain ahead of the ball at impact. If an ordinary shot is required, then the wrist can be allowed to ‘throw’ or ‘flick’ the club. Poor golfers often slice because of an untrained right hand.” Henry Cotton, 1980.

at www.curedmygolfslice.com

See also  Part 2: Easy putting golf lesson. Using gravity and heavy arms to swing the putter.

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