Yes You CAN Make a Full Shoulder Turn – Even at 68! Here’s How…

Want to learn a simpler way to swing the club? Check out this video:

Do you ever show up the course with a slight sense of dread?

You know, the feeling of “I HOPE I hit the ball well today.”

Do you hate that feeling of “wondering” if you’re going to hit the ball decent?

When you put the fundamentals of RotarySwing into your swing, you can get rid of that sense of dread and being unsure how well you’re going to strike the ball.

You can start focusing on scoring, course management and having FUN!

For Martin, he was frustrated with practicing and not improving, instructors slapping band-aid fixes that were keeping him from playing his best and, as he put it, he was getting really good at being really bad!

That’s because if you practice the wrong things, you’re just mastering the stuff you’re already doing wrong!

If you want to:
fix your flip
stop losing your balance
start compressing the ball
get rid of your “hit instinct”
and much more!

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See also  The Miracle Drill That Will Fix Any Swing

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