Evidence based video – A easier way to play golf a easier way to swing!! – DEEP TO SHALLOW swing style -A slow motion look at a easier and more consistent way to play golf.
How to hit great iron shots .How to hit from inside. How to draw the ball. How to shallow out your golf swing.
HOW TO SHALLOW OUT YOUR GOLF SWING!! – Golf swing to steep?? – A great insight into how to shallow your GOLF SWING and plane into the ball.
OVER 66% of golfers throughout the world are coming into the ball to steep. Its essential to understand the causes and how to fix it. HOW TO SHALLOW OUT YOUR GOLF SWING!! –
WorldClassGolfInstruction.com shows you how to become your own golf coach 700 + videos.
I teach PGA Golf Professionals have done over 30,000 lessons internationally. I have filmed and analysed over 20,000 golf swings. I have studied Golf Swings and swing patterns for most of my life. I know personally many of the worlds most acclaimed golf instructors and players and have shared and gathered information from these great individuals. I teach people online from all over the world and absolutely love it. I love improving people and helping them to grow and evolve as golfers.
With my team we have created World Class Golf Instruction. Over + 700 videos and practice programs the library is continually growing! We teach you how to teach yourself. To become your own golf coach! We teach you how to self analyse your golf through the use of your mobile phones and smart phones. We teach you how to draw the exact lines and look at the correct corridors and parameters. Like the top coaches and players. How to use evidence based material. The information in the platform will blow you away. For Advanced players right down to beginners. Its the most detailed platform on the planet. If you like detail mixed with easy to use feels your definitely in the right place.
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