Which Arm Controls The Golf Swing?

In this tip I am talking about which arm should you hit the golf ball with. Some people say it’s a left arm swing. Others say it’s a right arm swing like skipping a stone. Well, my answer is different. If you have followed me you will not I don’t want you hit the ball with either arm. Instead, we are using our body to hit the ball.

So the first step is to you work on your arm unit in your swing. Once you get it working (which I show you how to tell) you switch to body to power your swing while keeping your arms powerless.

I know that people wonder which arm to the ball with. I have received this question a lot over the years. So watch this tip and understand the concept of not hitting with any arm. Once you understand it and try it you will start to hit the ball better than ever.

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In this tip i'm answering a question That i get asked a lot of the time and That is which arm are you hitting the Golf ball with Well i am not hitting it with any arm That would be hitting I don't hit I'm not trying to Hit Or Help The ball in any way with my arms so i Know there's different theories out There okay there's theories of It's a left arm Sorry forward arm swing okay so you got Your forward arm here it's going back You're going to kind of pull it down You know you need lag so you got to kind Of hold the angle You're going to get the hands there Ahead of the ball and then you know No That would be hitting with your arms That is never going to work and i know That because you've been working on that And it's not working Okay another theory would be hey It's like uh skipping a rock with your Back hand And that's good too that's that's a good Thought If you want to just try it just to kind Of get a feel for what happens in your


Swing You know so you got a stone let's say And you skip it okay So you know you could learn some things From that hey my arms would be nice and Relaxed you wouldn't skip a stone just By going like that would you No you'd do it with your body right So you could learn some good stuff from That Oh you know i'm gonna step and then You know arm kind of tucks and i make This throw like that So there's good stuff there that you Could learn But when you go to actually hit your Ball are you gonna go up here like this And think okay i'm going to hit it like I'm going to skip a rock The problem with that is is you're going To end up twisting the face all over the Place and you are going to hit it Sideways How do i know that because i've tried it I've tried both of these things i've Tried hitting it with my forward arm hit It everywhere i've tried skipping a rock And i hit it everywhere Then i turn my arms off completely and Then i go back to straight again You know i try this stuff too You know Because i want to know what you're going Through as you learn different stuff so

I watch other teachers and then i try Their stuff Hey if something made sense or made The swing easier i may incorporate it Into what i teach You know But Hitting is something i do not teach i do Not want you to hit the ball with either Arm So if you're trying to do that let's Stop doing that okay So what i want you to do is simplify All your arm unit i'm calling this an Arm unit Arms wrists Golf club arm unit All it's doing from here It's hinging It's re-hinging It's hinging It's re-hinging a hinge in life is loose That means you want loose wrists okay Now How do you know that that arm unit is Working Because you've hinged and re-hinged And gotten rid of any kind of slice spin On your ball Okay at that point You can stop thinking about your arms Okay if you're not at that point yes you Need to think about your arms Okay because you have to get rid of that

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Slice spin somehow it's just not gonna Magically You know happen you gotta help it And if you help it you can learn it real Quick As opposed to sitting here waiting for You know the next five years for you to Start hitting it straight i need you to Do it in five minutes Okay go from super sideways to a hook Okay that's only half though So you're here you hinge right here Hinge your wrists Roll it over so that you re-hinge On the other side Yes you feel your hands cross over a Little bit as you do that great you got Rid of all the slice spin what was that Five minutes Okay so you went from monster slice to Hook Great That's half right It's still a bad shot but at least You're doing half right instead of Nothing right So what would we do at that point what Would be thinking are we gonna think About our arms Oh i'm gonna think about my lead are no That's arms and hitting back arms Skipping no you don't need to do that You've already got your arm unit working So what are you gonna think about

You're gonna think about your body Okay that's what i do So i'm getting ready to go Do my grip do my setup right here i'm Waggling just trying to re relax any Kind of energy Out of my arms okay Now as i get ready to go I switch To my shoulder I'm not thinking about this i take this Shoulder and i crank it Until it goes behind that ball right There so i can see it out of the corner Of this eye I take the shoulder i crank it I feel my arms set up at the top i'm Ready to go the other way I'm not thinking of either arm All i'm thinking is lower body And i just let the club go wherever it Wants to go that's all i'm doing But to get to that point you got to get The arm unit working Okay and yes you might be feeling your Arms as you do that while you will be Feeling your arms if you are purposely Doing it Okay Remember the goal is to get rid of any Kind of slice spin At that point your arm unit is working So now you can think what i'm thinking So we're getting ready grip

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Got our setup totally drain all the Energy out of both arms And now we're going to think about Coiling And then i uncoil to hit the shot Alright so let me do one from down the Line here So here's what i'm thinking So i'm going into my setup routine Stance right here i start shaking out my Arms that just reminds me You know shake them out you don't want To be all tight Grip now i do a couple of waggles here That's keeping my wrist nice and loose Now right here is when i switch to the Shoulder I crank the shoulder i fire the hips Okay so right here got to shake all that Energy out i don't want to be hitting With my arms And we hit it like that All right so Again I get asked this question all the time Which arm do i hit it with none we're Not hitting We're not hitting or helping the ball With our arms Start seeing it a little bit differently Okay your arms are just an extension From your body they're hinging and Re-hinging So work on the hinge and re-hinge you're

Going to feel your arms as you do that Get rid of any kind of slice spin that Is like step one okay Once you can do that Then don't think of either arm or think Thinking about coiling uncoiling You do that let the arms go along for The ride And no joke you will take it from Sideways To straight and that is exactly what i Did Many many years ago okay so if i can do It You can do it too I truly hope you've enjoyed this tip Here's another tip that's going to help You improve your swing now right below That don't forget to click on that link Because i'm going to send you some free Samples of my body swing book and video Series that'll take you step by step by Step through how to build a powerful Effortless pain-free golf swing