Unique Golf Tips For Instant Swing Improvement


Known for his unconventional method of golf instruction, George Gankas golf lessons are very unique in the way that they utilize everyday objects in order to teach players proper form and composition in their golf swings.

George Gankas golf lessons have become widely adopted through the GG Swing Method, a training system comprised of George’s most famous drills and swing tips that have made their way around the world, helping golfers in nearly every continent through the internet.

As Gankas builds a reputation for delivering results in players from every imaginable skill set and age, the golfing community takes a great interest in learning the mechanics behind his system, making it easier to identify how his lessons can assist the overall improvement of their games as well.

Examining 4 of George’s most popular yet unconventional golf lessons, we’ll begin to understand the mind behind some of golf’s rising stars, while learning amazing techniques that can be applied to our own golf swing for instant improvement and correction.

Utilizing two ordinary chairs on the right and left side of the golfer, Gankas has developed a golf drill that corrects and refines the rotation found in our lower body.

Especially vital immediately following our backswing to downswing transition, harnessing the vast amount of energy found in our lower body can expand depth and accuracy in any player’s golf swing.

Most of the golf swings we observe on any pro tour come way of harnessing the lower body’s natural power, but to do so requires proper timing and perfection through focused practice.

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Understanding the importance of optimizing the motion in a player’s lower body, Gankas developed a golf lesson that uses two normal chairs as training aids to put golfers on a fast track to optimizing their swings.

As seen in today’s video, George’s lower body chair drill provides players with a guide to allowing their lower body to lead through their downswing, while relaxing their shoulders as the lower body takes over.

Such a drill allows players of all skill sets to understand how to harness their lower body rotation power and apply these resources to a structured golf swing that benefits from pointed accuracy and the ability to drive their ball deep down course.

Using a normal water bottle as a training aid, Gankas has developed a lesson that assists golfers in maintaining motion throughout their backswing to downswing transition.

As a coach, George observed many of his players stopping their bodies during their backswing to downswing transition, which led to frustration and missed shots for many of his students.

Looking for an easy way to explain and correct the stoppage in motion, Gankas began teaching his students through his unconventional water bottle swing drill.

The water bottle drill has led countless players to refining and correcting their transition, leading to improved downswing sequences powering their golf swings well beyond what was previously achieved.

Considered by many golfers and their instructors to be the most important split seconds in any golf swing, optimizing our transition will put our game on an entirely higher level, and add excitement to the driving range and golf course when applied correctly.

See also  Why Do I sway in my golf swing? | How to fix the SWAY in your golf swing.

Gankas has set himself aside from other golf instructors due to his willingness to use unconventional means to build golf lessons that deliver immediate results for his students, regardless of their skill set and age.

You can find more lessons like these in our extensive YouTube video library and through the collection of articles found on our website.


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