Turning THIS WAY RUINS Your Golf Swing

Beginner Golf Tips That Can Vastly Improve Your Game

Golf is a great sports activity enjoyed by legions of gamers and fans all over the world today. It is a game that is oftentimes gratifying, frequently frustrating, but always addictive. If you’ve just taken up golf, you can find many helpful articles, video tutorials and a plethora of learning materials about the subject both offline and online.

4 Steps on Improving Your Golf Swing

Improving golf swing capabilities requires a lot of work on the course, but a lot of work also has to be done in the gym. Fitness is a huge part of the golf swing. In order to complete a full swing that produces power, a golfer must be strong and flexible.

Golf Tips, Sports Psychology And Golf: What Does It Take To Make It On The PGA Tour? Luck? Skill?

Top golfers dream of making it on the PGA Tour. What does it take to perform under the pressure that exists at this high level of golf? How can golfers develop the confidence and focus they need to win at this level? This article describes a simple tip which helped one golfer to play to his potential.

Improve Your Golf And Your General Fitness

I heard a great quote the other day – ‘If men liked shopping, then they would call it research.’ Now we all know that most men do not like shopping, but I do, so I thought that today I would concentrate on things men like to spend money on. I came up with two ideas, both related to sports and fitness.

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Get Peak Performance Golf Swing Training In Minutes

The end result for a professional golfer is to acquire repeated peak performance in every golf swing. Perhaps this is a talent which you wish to acquire as your next goal.

Golf Etiquette Safety Guidelines

Many people are unaware of the safety guidelines as they apply to golf etiquette and consideration toward fellow players. Here are just a few safety tips and guidelines that should always be taken into account.

Motion Workouts for Golf

Motion workouts for golf involve a combination of flexibility and strength exercises. When you take a good look at the golf swing, you see that training all of your muscles to move and work in synchronization is critical to developing a good golf swing.

How to Be Fit Playing Golf

With today’s competitive game, many players are wondering how to be fit playing golf. There are several elements of golf fitness, and knowing what they are helps a player to develop a workout and fitness routine that will benefit their game as well as their overall health.

Finishing Your Golf Swing

Finishing your golf swing is essential because it will help you to be more consistent at impact and if your clubface isn’t squared at impact, you don’t know where your golf ball is going. How you swing is up to the individual golfer. Some golfers have a very upright swing with a high finish, like Bubba Watson. Others, like Anthony Kim, have a much flatter swing where they finish with their arms and club lower and more around their body.

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Senior Golfers – Free Golf Tips to Increase Your Distance

Simply because you play senior golf doesn’t mean you have to lose distance. If you were playing regularly, you might have already modified your fitness as well as your clubs along with other equipment.

Why Should You Practice Your Short Game?

One of the reasons golf is such a challenging game is that players need to be skilled in so many different kinds of shots. From what I can see when I go the range, the short game shots are the most neglected ones. They are the most important ones, though, if you want to score up to your potential.

Golf Towels – What They Say About You

Golf towels are best in pristine white. They look elegant, clean and crisp, and have a beauty of their own. However, since it is about golf, you could also look for a combination of other colors as well. Bold blue and white stripes, white green and blue are other combination’s that look interesting on towels. However, do not go for golf towels which look very loud, or those which have too many colors. Avoid bright colors like red and yellow.

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