Titleist Tips: How to Control the Face of Your Driver

To control your shots in golf, you need to have control over the face of your club. This is particularly important with the driver. Because of its low loft, there’s not much room for error with this important club. If the driver face is just a little open or closed at impact, the golf ball can fly wildly off-line.

Though they have the biggest influence in controlling the club face, the hands are often taken for granted. Golfers frequently misunderstand the role they play in squaring the face and getting the golf ball started on target.

Luckily, Titleist staff member Mark Blackburn knows all the ins and outs of proper hand action and in this video, the 2020 PGA Teacher of the Year discusses the the hands and the relationship between the club face and the club path, a concept you need to understand fully – not only to hit straight shots, but also to generate controlled fades and draws at will.

Give Mark’s split-hand exercise a try and learn how to train your hands and wrists to square the club face early and take your ball striking to the next level.

See also  Grip Pressure - Firm, Equal for Both Hands - Golf Tip

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