These Wedge Mistakes are Killing your Consistency

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Hey everyone Thanks for tuning in I'm George Colony with scratch golf tips Today we're going to be talking about Wedge shots more specifically what we Can fix in order to be more consistent With our web shots just to clarify real Quick I am not referring to little chips And pitches around the Green in this Video I will be addressing full web Shots so if you have a 60 degree and You're hitting it a full sling 80 yards 90 yards whatever it may be or even a Pitching wedge from 120 yards those type Of shots those full swing shots that's What we'll be talking about in this Video here today so as I said earlier we Will be addressing three different pain Points things that we can make a quick Fix on in order to see more consistency And better play out of our wedges before We get into the three tips just a quick Reminder if you're enjoying this content Please leave a like rating it helps YouTube show this content to more people Who will find it helpful and subscribe If you'd like to see more videos from This channel so the first mistake that So many golfers will make in the setup Of the wedge swing is how far their feet Are apart are generally you need a Fairly narrow stance you don't need a Wide base like you would for a driver But even even like a seven iron you need A much more narrow stance with a wedge

Especially if we're talking about a lob Wedge or a sand wedge something 56 Degrees or above you do not need to be Shoulder length apart myself personally My my feet might be a foot apart from Each other very narrow stance and this Allows for a very controlled swing I Know that a stable base allows for a Controlled swing with the driver but That's because that's a very long Club It's going to be further away from your Body and you're generally going to take A bigger swing at that ball that is not Necessary for the wedge now the reason That that wide base at address May Negatively affect your wedge swing is Because that wide base is associated With a driver swing or a hybrid swing Those hybrid and Driver swings are very Different than a wedge swing with a Driver we are swinging up at the ball we Have shoulders tilted down we're going Up at the ball with the wedge we have Our shoulders forward and we're swinging Down at the ball they couldn't be more Different swings so by having different Setups you're allowing yourself to Become accustomed to those different Swings so I'm not going to tell you Exactly how far your feet should be away I'm just saying that they should be more Narrow experiment with it and see what Works for your swing next we're going to Talk about ball positioning in the

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Center of the stance this is another Aspect where there isn't a correct Answer but there is definitely a wrong Answer a huge mistake that many golfers Will make when they're standing up to a Wedge shot is they'll have that ball off Their front heel very similar to a Driver what this will often lead to is a Thinned shot because your Club is going To bottom out at a normal a normal spot Likely in the middle of your golf swing And then it's going to start coming up And as that wedge comes up it's going to The the equator of the ball is going to Be hit by the front Leading Edge of the Wedge now with a club and ball what I'm Referring to is the club bottoms out Here and then it comes up like this and That's where you make contact We want to be making contact here not Here so you're gonna you're gonna thin The ball you're gonna skull it over the Green and we we don't want that to Happen and it's a very easy fix because All you have to do is put that ball Further back in the stance now again There isn't a perfect place to place That ball in the stance but it shouldn't Be on the front heel unless you're very Conscious of it and you're trying to hit A 60 degree over a really big tree or Something and you need to get the ball Way up in the air a standard shot from The Fairway even From the Rough it

Should be somewhere around the center of The stance now for me personally I like To hit a lot of knock down shots which Is a lower trajectory I find it very Easy to control the spin and distance That way when I am hitting those Knockdown shots I will have the ball Just behind the center line of my stance Maybe a ball or two behind that Center Line and that's what I like to do Um not saying it's correct it's just What I like to do for a stock shot if I Want to hit it high if I want to get Some backspin I'll put it a ball or two Just in front front of the center of my Stance that's just my preference this Again is something that you need to play Around with on the driving range this is A great time to utilize alignment sticks You can put a stick through the center Of your stance and that can just give You that visualization of the standard Center of your stance and then you can Say all right I'm going to try two balls Back I'm going to try two balls forward How about one ball back and just see What you're comfortable with and what Can create the best consistent results Now finally we're going to address Probably the largest swing fault that Leads to inconsistent wedge play and It's a fairly simple fix if you can Spend some time on the Range not a ton Of time but a little bit of time on the

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Range just working on that swing feeling And that is having your weight forward When I first started Golf I really liked My driver swing and then I had a lot of Trouble with my irons and wedges but That was largely because I was using That driver swing on all of my other Clubs and it never works just like I Spoke about earlier with your stance how Far away your feet are um it's similar With the golf swing and with your weight Distribution because with the driver we Don't have the weight on that front foot It's just not the way the driver works The driver has very little Loft you Can't swing down on it or else you're Going to flare it up and it's going to Spin a lot with a wedge you want your Weight forward you want to feel a ton of Compression into that ball you want to Get that backspin you want to get that Solid strike and that all comes from Having that weight forward so some People like to feel that weight forward On their shoulder some people like to Feel it on for a right-handed golfer Their left leg but it's just about Feeling out however you can get that Weight forward even if your weight is Neutral you're putting yourself in a Tough spot because again this club if It's neutral it's going to go like that It can't really get into the ground Again we need ball first then sand or

Then grass contact if we're not getting Ball first then sand we're picking at The ball you can get away with picking At the ball sometimes but consistently Over the long run it's not a good idea You're going to get much better strike X If you're really getting down into the Ball these wedges that we're hitting a Pitching wedge is going to be 46 or 47 Degrees of Loft all the way up to 60 Degrees of Loft these are very lofted Clubs the most lofted clubs in the bag You do not need to help the ball up in The air you can really smack down on it And the natural lock to the club is Going to get that ball in the air now There are some drills to promote this Enhanced weight distribution of getting That weight forward personally I just Like to really really exaggerate it on The Range this goes back into the Concept of feel versus real sometimes we Feel like there's a huge change going on But in reality it isn't really going on So I've actually developed my own Strategy when I'm not having my weight Forward where I swing on my on one foot So I take my right foot completely off The ground and I'm not doing full swings But I'm completely off balance which Again this is just to get the feel I'm Completely off balance on my left foot Really focusing on having that weight For it and I'm just hitting a few shots

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You can also do this if you struggle With balance a little bit you can do a Kickstand drill which is when you take For a right-handed golfer your right Foot and you put it back and you Basically just put your toe down and Then you have all your weight forward And you're just trying to focus on low Point control again low Point control is That the time in which your swing hits Its lowest point which ideally again for Wedges will be after the ball so to sum Up real quick the three swing faults With wedges that we can really fix Easily to see better striking more Consistent striking one we have that you Need to be having your legs a little bit Closer together generally again this it Differs for all golfers but a huge Misconception and a huge issue with many Golfers is that their legs are too far Apart narrow up that stance and see if It works for you number two we want to Have that ball right around the center Of the stance again you can play with This a little bit but if you're having It off the front heel or even the front Toe we want to work away from that Actively and finally that weight Distribution needs to be heavily forward I know that some of you like to think in Numbers with golf I wish I could say It's 70 forward 30 back 80 20 I can't Put a numerical value it's very

Difficult to quantify you just have to Feel it out and see what's going to end Up working best for you let me know what You think about the points I brought up This video if you have any questions or Further comments that can help an Inconsistent wedge flare become more Consistent I'd love to hear your input I Read all the comments on these videos And I appreciate all the insights that We receive on this channel again if You'd like to see more content you can Go back to our Channel we have over a Hundred videos from all different Aspects of golf to improve your game Learn more about the game of golf Hopefully get some more confidence on The golf course so you can watch all of Our previous videos through going on our Channel going through our playlists our Most popular uploads and then you can Also subscribe to the channel turn on Post notifications to see any new videos That we come out with and be notified When they come out as always I thank you All very much for watching play well and Take care [Music]