These are THE BEST golf clubs you can buy BUT there’s a catch!

Learn How To Perfect A Golf Swing

Learning how to perfect your golf swing takes lots of practice, but there are a few factors that you should know in order to make your swing more efficient. Follow our tips and tricks to shave strokes off your golf score.

Enjoy the Benefits of Using a Golf Push Cart

Golf push carts have evolved from the old style 2 wheel carts that you pulled. The old designs strained your back and shoulders. The newer 3 and 4 wheel push carts are easier to use and are much more efficient, without any strain to use. Leaving you fresher and with more energy for your golf game.

Putting in Golf – 2 Drills to Improve Your Putting Technique

If you want to start playing golf then simply just do it, and if you want to be successful at it then you should learn as much as you can about golf. The tips in this article should guide you to a successful golfing career.

Improve Your Golf Swing In 30 Minutes With Six Simple Golf Swing Tips

As a golfer, you probably ask yourself this question almost every time you get onto the green: ‘How do I improve my swing?’ It’s likely you’ve played for quite some time, had a few good drives and had a lot of, ahem, bad ones. Perhaps you’ve even bought a few books or videos because you’re looking for the perfect swing.

Golf and Laser Eye Treatment

Spectacles or eyeglasses are extremely useful to rectify sight for the various aspects of life. One exception to this is for the activities like playing sports. Eyeglasses worn when performing sports that involve a lot of running or physical touch can fall off the face and eventually break, especially if the individual unknowingly steps on it while on the field.

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Correcting Your Sliced Golf Swing

If you have even a passing interest in the topic of golf, then you should take a look at the following information. This enlightening article presents some of the latest news on the subject of golf. A slice is of times a minx – hit by most golfers.

Local Golf Clubs – Social Media Blackspots

Even people totally opposed to the onward march of new technology will have to admit that the world has been forever changed by the development and introduction of social media and other communication technologies. Email, text, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other social blogging platforms now permeate our world and are hard to avoid. Yet there is still one bastion of resistance where you will be hard pressed to identify, let alone make use of, some of these wonderful technological advances. And that is the local golf club.

6 Golf Tips to Driving the Ball Consistently

There is no better feeling than hitting the fairway with your first shot off the tee. Having the ability to drive the ball consistently has to be one of the most important part of a players golf physique. To improve your game, it is imperative to be able to hit the fairway off the tee.

Improve Your Short Game With True Acceleration

The short game is one of the most confused areas of golf. By using True Acceleration, you can become better at all phases of the short game.

How To Achieve The Perfect Golf Swing And Reduce Your Handicap

Finding it difficult to improve your handicap and frustrated by your lack of progress? Now becoming a single-figure golfer is well within your reach! Follow these simple golf swing tips and you could see the results in a matter of week.

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Golf Etiquette From Golf Corners

Golf is one of the few games that remain where the individual player must rely on their own integrity and discipline. For the most part, golf is played unsupervised by referees, umpires, or judges which makes golf etiquette an extremely important topic for the new golfer. Knowing the proper guidelines associated with this great game will allow everyone to experience an enjoyable round.

Golf Swing Speed Determines Your Ball Flight

The harder you swing the golf club the further the ball goes – right? No – incorrect. Most Amateurs swing too hard and they can’t control the flight or path of the ball so it slices 40 yards or more to the right. This article will show you the two easiest ways to hit the golf ball straight.

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