The Easiest Way To Better Putting – Easiest Swing Coach and Senior Golf Specialist

Have you noticed which side of the hole you miss most of your putts? Does the ball start rolling on the line you choose? This fabulous exercise, free of technical analysis, engages the much more powerful right side of your brain that stores the unconscious mind. The unconscious mind makes between 9 – 11 million connections per second and is what controls 95% of your day-to-day life. It ensures our body functions properly, keeping our hearts pumping and lungs breathing. The conscious mind, which is what every other golf drill under the sun engages with, can only process between 40-50 connections per second. Which do you think we should be trying to engage more with when we play and practise golf? When we engage in purposely manipulating the putter in our hands and missing our target it is quite incredible how much feedback we receive. Now the unconscious and conscious parts of our brain can begin to communicate with each other and work together. And that is not all. When you make your practise more difficult than real playing conditions, your skill level and confidence increases exponentially. Ignore the power of this drill at your peril.

See also  Putting Stroke Length - Golf Tips & Drills

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