The Chip shot golf swing: Grip and Posture Hey everybody in this video Terry is going to demonstrate the chip shot golf swing.

The chip shot in golf is one that needs to be mastered for consistency. The set up for a chip shot golf swing is basically the same as a regular shot, however your stance is open to your target line. This is because a chip shot golf swing is not designed to travel very far. Maybe 12-23 yards at the most.

Take your stance and grip take the club back on plane about 10-15% of your total swing plane and hit through the ball with your head behind the ball. There is no release of the club head, the club stays open through impact and thereafter. This allows the club to swing freely on its plane. Even though your only using 10-15% of the swing plane you still need to practice the correct grip and posture fundamentals with the chip shot golf swing. For more FREE videos and this and other golf positions go to

See also  Feel Is Not Real! Golf Swing Plane

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