THE BEST Senior Golf Swing for Elite Level Play and Competition

I’m 62 years old (2019) and have limited trunk mobility due to multiple back, elbow, foot and other surgeries from injuries during my long teaching and playing career. Most of the online instruction catering to senior golfers focuses on increasing the backswing arc by closing the stance and maximizing the backswing turn, while I go in the totally opposite direction by suggesting that the best swing technique for senior golfers still interested in competing who are coping with limited flexibility and continuing back pain is the open stance. My back was fused on 2 levels in 1986. Since then I have played in 8 major championships, 5 on the regular tour and 3 senior majors, won the National Club Professional Championship in 2001, and won 3 Maryland State Opens, all with the open stance. This technique has been proven in elite-level competition. Just recently I scored a 68 (2under) in the 2019 US Open Senior qualifier to miss playing in the US Senior Open by a single shot, and also scored 2 under par in the match play qualifier for my section against fellow PGA professionals of every age, not just seniors. So, when I say I believe this is the best swing for serious senior golfers, you can see why.

If you are a serious senior golfer and wand to play your best watch the video and employ the technique within. If you need any assistance contact me at my web site for either an in-person or online lesson.

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