Installing the jack mount kit and recycler mulching kit on my 42″ Toro Timecutter. Also – bahia grass tips for the spring plus a whole lot more!
Part of what I am doing in vids like this is showing you how I am going up the learning curve as I have always had walk mowers, now learning to use and enjoy a zero turn. This is not a how to video – this is a “old guy who never learned anything from his dad attempts to use tools to install a mulch kit on his 42″ TimeCutter” video. Don’t judge.
Mower Jack: (the actual jack)
Part# 127-6666
Jack Mount Kit: (bolts to mower, permanent)
Part# 140-2711
42″ Timecutter Recycler Kit: (mulch kit with blades)
Part# 139-3265
I got all parts from my dealer, Mowers Inc in Sarasota, FL
I highly recommend them if you are in the Sarasota/Bradenton area.
This is not sponsored.
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