Learn From Lydia Ko’s Golf Swing: Lydia Ko Swing Analysis

As a golf lover and an avid fan of Lydia Ko, I have always been amazed by her swing technique. Her precision, balance, and power have always been a source of inspiration for me, and watching her play has taught me so much about the game. And as a content writer and SEO specialist, I feel compelled to share the knowledge I’ve gained from studying her swing. In this blog post, I’ll be doing a detailed analysis of Lydia Ko’s swing, highlighting key techniques that have made her one of the most successful golfers of all time. So, join me as we delve into the fascinating world of golf and learn from the best – Lydia Ko.

Introduction: Learning from Lydia Ko’s Golf Swing

As an avid golfer, I am always looking for ways to improve my swing and lower my score. That’s why when I stumbled upon Scratch Golf Tips’ video analysis of Lydia Ko’s swing, I knew I had to watch and learn from it. Lydia Ko is one of the most successful golfers on the LPGA TOUR and her swing is a testament to her success. In this article, I will break down the key components of her swing and provide insights on how to improve your own swing based on her techniques.

  1. The Importance of a Relaxed Stance at Address

When watching Lydia Ko’s swing, one thing that stands out is her relaxed stance at address. This is important because tension buildup can negatively affect your swing. Relax your body and maintain a comfortable stance to avoid any unnecessary tension in your muscles. By doing so, you can swing freely and with more control.

  1. A Deliberate and Controlled Takeaway Tempo
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Lydia Ko’s takeaway tempo is deliberate and controlled, with a slightly higher takeaway. This technique helps her create a consistent swing with proper timing and tempo. When beginning your own swing, focus on maintaining a deliberate and controlled tempo to improve its consistency.

  1. Filming the Swing at Real-Time Speed for Tempo Improvement

One of the best ways to improve your golf swing tempo is by filming it at real-time speed. This technique allows you to analyze the speed and timing of your swing, making it easier to make adjustments where necessary. Similar to improving any skill, repetition and analysis are important to perfect your swing.

  1. The Importance of Hips and Lower Body Movement

Lydia Ko’s compact and rotational hip and lower body movement add consistency to her swing. A common mistake made by beginner golfers is not using their hips and lower body effectively during their swing. By focusing on your hips and lower body, you can create a more consistent swing that generates more power and velocity.

  1. The Flat Wrist and Straight Leading Arm

A flat wrist and straight leading arm are common traits of great ball strikers, including Lydia Ko. This technique allows you to create consistent ball contact and strike the ball cleanly. Focus on maintaining a flat wrist and straight leading arm throughout your swing to improve your ball striking ability.

  1. The Power of the Wrist and Hands in the Downswing

Lydia Ko’s powerful downswing is attributed to her wrist and hands’ starting movement that create power, followed by hips opening up at impact. When done at the right time, the wrist and hands starting the downswing create the maximum amount of power and velocity, leading to a more powerful and consistent shot.

  1. Keeping Your Head Down for Low Point Control
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To improve low point control in your swing, it is essential to keep your head down through impact. This technique allows you to maintain your body’s position through the swing, creating a consistent downswing plane and ball contact. An added bonus of keeping your head down through impact is better accuracy.

Conclusion: Learn From Lydia Ko’s Golf Swing

Watching Lydia Ko’s swing analysis from Scratch Golf Tips has been a valuable lesson for me. All golfers, whether amateur or professional, can learn from her technique and apply it to their own swing. Focus on maintaining a relaxed stance at address, a deliberate and controlled takeaway, and proper lower body movement. Pay attention to achieving a flat wrist, a straight leading arm, and utilizing the wrist and hands’ movement in the downswing. Lastly, focus on keeping your head down for better low point control. With these tips, you’ll be able to improve your golf swing and play more consistently.


  1. Is it necessary to have a specific swing tempo in golf?
    A: Yes, maintaining tempo in your swing is essential for consistency in your shot-making. Remember to keep a deliberate and controlled tempo during your takeaway.

  2. How can I use my hips and lower body effectively in the golf swing?
    A: To use your hips and lower body effectively in your swing, focus on rotational movement during your downswing. This will help generate power and improve your ball-striking ability.

  3. Why is it essential to keep your head down during the golf swing?
    A: Keeping your head down during the golf swing is important for low point control. By maintaining your body’s position throughout the swing, you can create a consistent downswing plane and ball contact.

  4. How can I improve my ball-striking ability in golf?
    A: To improve your ball-striking ability in golf, focus on maintaining a flat wrist and straight leading arm throughout your swing. Additionally, utilizing your wrist and hands’ movement in the downswing can create maximum power and velocity.

  5. Is it necessary to film my swing to improve my technique?
    A: Filming your swing at real-time speed is a great way to improve your swing technique. It allows you to analyze the timing and speed of your swing, making it easier to make necessary adjustments.

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