How to hit iron shots better, more solid and consistently with a very simple golf tip
GOLF made simple
for ultimate golf lessons free. Alex Fortey from the Art of Simple Golf gives you a simple golf tip to improve your ballstriking to have a better golf swing that is powerful, delivers the good strikes but is not complicated as it’s just a very easy though to have over your irons shots.

And I’m not even talking about a full flowing finish, I’m talking about a movement and half finish because that half finish is gonna make sure that you commit to the golf ball, like threw it and that. And that’s what we obviously need is like commitment through the golf ball without forcing it too much.
Thinking about sticking your half finish is key to being committed to your golf shots especially with irons. What it will do is enable you to transfer weight, compress the ball without thinking about positions through impact so much. By focussing on the feel you need to get through the golf ball your swing will accelerate and get to a perfect impact and then a good half swing position. That has balance and efficient power
You still want to try and have a little bit of angle as you come through, but we’re standing taller, but we’re accelerated through that half position. So let’s go for it.

It’s effective and the best thing of all is it’s a simple golf swing thought to hit your irons better.

Learn what you need to do to be more consistent with iron shots and your golf swing
This simple golf tip is just about moving through the ball instead of the focus being at it. Hitting at it. It’s destructive.

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That can cause heavy and thin golf shots, poor consistency and losing distance. If you use this thought of a low point, it will help contact and power. Hit more greens and see the ball rip through the air.
better angle of attack for more distance and of course consistency.

Now you can focus, feel a nice smooth golf swing and strike the irons better.

This is one way to learn the easiest swing in golf that is natural but it’s advisable for all ages and abilities to use this method, or at the very least try it next time your practice your golf swing.

It might just make things that much easier for you!

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Golf wins in the complication department. No other sport boasts the amount of gadgets, swing fixes, variations of balls, clubs, tees, courses, not to mention weather!, however, it is not as difficult as you have been led to believe.

Or at the very least as complicated and frustrating as the golf industry has you made you you think.

The Art of Simple Golf was born when confusion overruled the joy of golf.

You know that horrible dream where rabid dogs are coming at you, and you try to run but you are frozen in fear?

See also  Hit Your Scoring Irons Flush Every Time!

Ever feel like golf is just like that?

Not the rabid dogs part, but the frozen in fear due to over-thinking?

Stop overcomplicating. Listen to your swing.simple golf tips

Using simple methods. Simple drills, breaking down the game into tips that actually work. Giving you freedom in your golf swing.

Our goal is to get golfers to;

-play more consistent golf

-hit longer drives

-shoot lower scores

-feel better

-play better

-and enjoy golf once more

Our goal is to get golfers playing more consistent golf, hitting longer drives, shooting lower scores, feel better, play better, and enjoy golf, once again.

It’s no secret that golf has become an over-complicated game for players and coaches alike, you only need to do a quick search online for golf backswing tips and you will be bombarded with, one plane and two plane golf swings, training aids, DVD’s and equipment that promises to give you the “Perfect Golf Swing“.

But that is absolute rubbish. Im sure you have realized that by now because despite your best efforts you have not seen significant improvement.

It’s not your fault though!

The over complicated swing instruction methods have your best interests at heart, but as I alluded to earlier, they are still stuck in the “golf instruction paradigm blindness” and only give you what the industry dictates again and again.

We have scoured the globe to partner and feature some of the best coaches and smartest folks out there.


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